Acous-, -acoustical Words:
“acusis” to “telacousis”,
Part 2 of 2.
acous-, acou-, acouo-, acoustico-, acouto-, acousti-, -acousia, -acousis, -acoustical, acu-, -acusis-, -acusia
(Greek: hearing, listening, of or for hearing).

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1. The ability to perceive sounds normally; normal hearing.
2. Hearing, used in combination to denote a specified kind of hearing, as in presbyacusis, hypoacusis, etc.
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
—Mark 4:9 in the Bible
The study of sound transmission through the air, especially in terms of the effects of environmental noise from machinery, vehicles, aircraft, etc.
Dullness of hearing.
anacousia, anacoustic:
Unable to hear; deaf.
anacusia, anakusia, anakusis:
1. Total deafness.
2. Total loss or absence of the ability to perceive sound as such.
1. The science dealing with the communicating sounds made by animals.
2. The science dealing with the effects of sound fields or mechanical vibrations in living organisms.
The science of reflected sounds.
diacoustics, diacoustic:
A name for the science of refracted sounds.
1. Abnormal perception of sounds, either in time or pitch, so one sound is heard as two.
2. An auditory disorder in which a tone is heard as two tones differing slightly in pitch in the two ears.
dysacousia, dysacousis; now more often spelled, dysacusis, dysacusis:
1. A hearing impairment in which there is distortion of frequency or intensity.
2. A condition in which certain sounds produce discomfort.
3. Pain or discomfort in the ear from exposure to sound. Also known as auditory dysesthesia, dysacusia,; as well as dysacousia.
We have two ears and only one tongue
in order that we may hear more and speak less.
If you don’t want your children to hear what you’re saying,
pretend you’re talking to them.
If there are any of you at the back who do not hear me,
please don’t raise your hands because I am nearsighted.
—W.H. Auden (1907-73) British poet
[Isn’t that similar to saying, “If those of you in the back can’t hear me, raise your hands”?]
The subjective experience of hearing echoes after normally heard sounds.
electroacoustic locator in surgery:
A device for locating foreign objects in the body by amplifying the sound made when the object is touched by a probe.
electroacoustics in acoustical engineering:
The science, process, or practice of converting acoustic energy into electromagnetic energy or the reverse order.
Subjective sensations of hearing that originates within or near the ear.
false paracusis:
The apparent increase in auditory acuity of a deaf person to conversation in noisy surroundings due to his companion unconsciously raising his voice.
hypacusis, hypacusia, hypacousia:
A hearing impairment of a conductive (transfer of sound waves in the ears) or neurosensory nature; partial deafness.
hyperacusia, hyperacusis:
Abnormally acute (sharp and loud) hearing, sometimes resulting in pain even when only moderately loud sounds are in the area of the subject; formerly, hyperacousia.
hypoacusis, hyperacusia:
Slightly diminished auditory sensitivity, with the hearing threshold levels above the normal limit so that impairment is measurable in decibels.
1. A curve passing through those points (in a theater, concert-room, etc.) at which a speaker or performer may be heard equally well.
2. In seismology, a line (imaginary or on a map) connecting places, where an equal percentage of observers heard the sound of an earthquake.
An instrument used to magnify small sounds so they are audible.
Hypersensitiveness of the organ of hearing so that noises actually cause pain.
In physics, an effect in which a beam of light passing through a gaseous medium is capable of generating sound in the medium if the beam is periodically interrupted at some characteristic acoustic frequency.
Conduction of sounds through the bones.
otacoustic, otacoustical, otacousticon:
A reference to an instrument used to assist hearing, such as an ear-trumpet.
paracusia, paracousia:
Any kind of abnormal hearing.
paracusis, paracusia, paracousis:
1. Impaired hearing.
2. Auditory illusions or hallucinations.
Multiplying or magnifying sound(s); such as, with some kind of a polyacoustic instrument.
presbyacusis, presbyacousis, presbycusis:
1. Loss of the ability to perceive or discriminate sounds as a result of the aging process.
2. A progressive, bilaterally symmetrical, perceptive hearing loss occurring with advancing age.
1. A disorder of hearing in which the subject hears his own voice altered in timber and tonality.
2. The erroneous localization of a laterally situated source of sound.
Hearing sounds that don’t exist; false hearing.
A subjective (imaginary) sensation as if sounds were altered in pitch and quality.
An expert or specialist in psycho-acoustics.
psycho-acoustics, psycho-acoustical:
1. The science that deals with the perception of sound and the production of speech.
2. The scientific study of the psychological and physiological principles of sound perception.
3. A discipline combining experimental psychology and physics that deals with the physical features of sound as related to audition, as well as with the physiology and psychology of sound recepter processes.
A reference to the senses or faculties of both equilibration (equilibrium or being evenly balanced) and hearing.
telacousis, telacoustic:
Involving the perception of a sound beyond or apart from the possibility of ordinary hearing.
Acoustical engineering deals with practical applications of sound and with the control of sound and vibration. It is concerned not just with audible sound, but also with sound and vibration phenomena that range from barely measurable magnitudes to levels capable of inducing severe damage.
—Eric E. Ungar, A Consulting Engineer, as seen in the
Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology,
edited by Christopher Morris; Academic Press, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
Publishers; New York; 1992.