Thermo Words: thermohaline to thermophyte,
Part 5 of 6
Words that include: thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(Greek > Latin: heat, hot, warm).

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1. A reference to both heat and salinity; hot salts.
2. In oceanography, of or relating to the joint action of temperature and salinity in a water mass.
1. Excessive thermalgesia (pain caused by a slight degree of heat).
2. A condition in which the application of moderate heat causes extreme pain.
3. Pain induced by hot or cold stimuli at thresholds lower than normal.
thermohyperesthesia, thermohyperaesthesia:
1. Extreme sensitiveness to heat stimuli.
2. Very acute thermoesthesia or temperature sense; exaggerated perception of hot and cold.
thermohypesthesia, thermohypaesthesia, thermohypoesthesia:
Diminished sensibility to heat stimuli including high temeratures.
Destruction of the power to act as a result
1. Inhibiting or retarding the production of bodily heat.
2. Inhibiting or arresting thermogenesis.
3. Capable of exerting a negative effect on heat production by the body.
1. An apparatus for recording environmental warmth.
2. Any device for assessing the effective warmth or coldness of an environment as it might be experienced by a living organism, taking into account radiation and convection as well as conduction. Conceived of as a thermal model of an organism, the device usually consists of a standard object (e.g., sphere, cylinder), the surface temperature of which is measured while it is being heated internally at a standard rate.
1. A jet of heated gases ejected from a jet engine to provide thrust.
2. A thermal jet engine.
The junction between the two dissimilar metal conductors of a thermocouple.
A procedure in which the application of heat shrinks the collagen of the corneal stroma and flattens the cornea in the area of heat application. This tends to make the eye less myopic.
thermokinematics, thermokinematic:
1. The study of motion caused by heat.
2. The study of the motion or motive power of heat.
1. Subject to alteration or destruction by heat.
2. Unstablized or destroyed when exposed to high temperatures.
3. Easily altered or decomposed by heat.
A heating lamp for therapeutic use.
A laryngoscopic mirror heated electrically to prevent condensation.
thermology, thermotics:
1. The science of heat.
2. The study of heat and heat associated phenomena.
thermoluminescence, thermoluminescent:
1. A phenomenon in which certain minerals release previously absorbed radiation when moderate heat is applied.
2. The glow or emission of light produced by the application of heat; used to monitor the radiation dose to which a substance has been exposed.
3. The production of light by a substance when its temperature is increased.
thermoluminescent dating:
In archaeology, a method of dating by measuring the rate of release of light energy from an object; often used to establish the date when a pottery artifact was last heated in antiquity.
1. Loss, or dissipation, of bodily heat by evaporation, radiation, etc.
2. Chemical decomposition by heat.
3. The breakdown of a substance induced by heating it.
1. Relating to thermolysis.
2. An agent promoting heat dissipation.
A reference to magnetism that is changed or generated by the action of heat.
A massage given in combination with a deep or superficial application of heat when used in physical therapy.
The use of thermography in the diagnosis of lesions of the breast.
An instrument for indicating the temperature (heat) of any substance; usually a sealed vacuum tube containing mercury, which expands with heat and contracts with cold, its level accordingly rising or falling in the tube, with the exact degree of variation of level being indicated by a scale.
Relating to thermometry or to a thermometer reading.
The measurement of temperature.
A motor that runs on heat.
Of or pertaining to the production of motion by heat; used specifically with reference to hot-air engines.
thermonasty, thermonastic:
1. A response to a non-directional heat stimulus.
2. In plant organs, the assumption of, or tendency to assume, certain positions because of one-sided pressure or growth due to heat.
1. An elevation of the temperature of the body due to neurosis as seen sometimes in hysteria.
2. Pyrexia of vasomotor origin.
Mentally or emotionally stimulated by heat.
Pertaining to nuclear reactions brought about by nuclear fusion; (e.g., the fusion of hydrogen to helium at temperatures of over 100,000,000ºC).(the reaction in the hydrogen bomb).
The scientific study of thermal springs.
A reference to hot-water springs.
The application of currents of low tension and high amperage, that produce warmth in the deeper parts of the body; medical diathermy.
thermoperiodic, thermoperiodicity, thermoperiodism:
Referring to the response of an organism to periodic changes in temperature.
1. The consumption (eating) of hot food.
2. The habit of swallowing very hot food.
3. A craving for very hot food.
thermophil, thermophile, thermophilous, thermophily:
1. An organism that favors, or prefers, a temperature of 50ºC or higher.
2. Thriving in warm environmental conditions; a reference to microorganisms having an optimum for growth above 45ºC.
3. An organism requiring high temperatures for normal development.
thermophilic, thermophillic:
Growing best at or having a fondness for high temperatures.
thermophobia, thermophobic:
1. An excessive fear of heat.
2. Intolerant of high temperatures or extremely uncomfortable in hot environments.
In acoustical engineering, a transducer that converts electrical energy (produced by driving an alternating current superimposed on a direct current) into heat by the dissipation of energy in a resistive element, thereby producing sound.
1. An arrangement for applying heat to a part; that consists of a water heater, a tube conveying hot water to a coil, and another tube conducting the water back to the heater.
2. A flat bag containing certain salts that produce heat when moistened; used as a substitute for a hot-water bag.
3. An instrument for estimating heat sensibility.
Heat-resistant; tolerant of high temperatures.
Resistant to heat, referring to certain microorganisms.
Leaves (plants) that have a high tolerance to high temperatures.
1. A plant tolerant of, or thriving at, high temperatures.
2. A hot-spring plant.

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