Thermo Words: thermopile to xerothermic,
Part 6 of 6
Words that include: thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(Greek > Latin: heat, hot, warm).

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A thermoelectric battery, consisting usually of a series of bars of antimony and bismuth joined together, that generates a thermoelectric current when the junctions are heated; used as a thermoscope.
Now considered an obsolete method for determination of placental position by detection of infrared rays from the large amounts of blood flowing through the placenta.
1. A classification for materials that can be made soft by the application of heat and hardened upon cooling.
2. Softening under heat and capable of being molded into shape with pressure, then hardening on cooling without undergoing chemical change.
A rarely used term for sunstroke or heatstroke (thermic fever).
Thermopolis (Wyoming): Literally, "heat city" or "city of heat".
Thermopolis has many hot-water springs.
thermopolypnea, thermopolypneic:
1. A quickening of respiration due to great heat or high temperatures.
2. An increased rate of pulmonary respiration due to pyrexia
Directly from Latin, a place where warm drinks are sold.
Directly from Latin, to refresh with warm drinks.
A method of treatment that combines the use of ionizing radiation and heat. It is based on the hypothesis that heat increases the radiosensitivity of tissues.
Any nerve ending or other sensory receptor that is specifically sensitive to heat or cold.
thermoregulation, thermoregulator:
1. Temperature control, as by a thermostat; heat regulation.
2. The regulation and control of temperature, specifically internal body temperature.
thermoresistance, thermoresistant:
Not affected by changing temperatures.
Thermos :
A registered trade term noting a flask, bottle, or the like capable of being kept hot or cold by the device (invented by Sir James Dewar) of surrounding the interior vessel with a vacuum jacket to prevent the conduction of heat. Applied loosely to any vacuum flask.
1. An instrument for indicating slight differences of temperature without registering or recording them.
2. An instrument for detecting temperature changes in a substance by observing corresponding volume changes.
Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a thermoscope.
thermoset, thermosetting:
A classification for materials that become hardened or cured by the application of heat; such as, acrylic resin.
In meteorology, the atmospheric layer, constituting essentially all of the atmosphere above the mesosphere (that is, above about 80-90 km altitude), in which temperature increases with height; includes the exosphere and most or all of the ionosphere. In the area above mesosphere, the temperature increases with altitude up to about 200 km, and above that it varies widely depending on the degree of solar activity with temperatures as high as 2000 degrees C are said to be possible.
thermostable, thermostabile:
1. Relatively stable or resistant to heat.
2. Not readily subject to alteration or destruction by heat.
The maintenance of body temperature in warm-blooded animals at a set value.
1. An apparatus for the automatic regulation of heat, as in an incubator.
2. A device used to control the temperature in a room, building, or other enclosure; hotter or cooler air is supplied as necessary to maintain the temperature at the same level as the setting on the thermostat. Also known as a thermorelay.
thermostatic, thermostatically:
Referring to a thermostat.
The abstraction or deprivation of heat.
An instrument for measuring the amount of blood flowing in a blood vesel, consisting of a heating element between two thermocouples applied to the outside of the vessel.
thermosystaltism, thermosystalic:
Contraction, as of the muscles, under the influence of heat.
A reference to thermotaxis.
thermotaxis, thermotactic, thermotaxic:
1. Reaction of living protoplasm to the stimulus of heat.
2. Regulation of body temperature.
3. The directed response of a motile organism towards (positive) or away from (negative) a heat stimulus.
3. The movement of a freely moving organism in response to heat.
thermotherapy, thermotherapeutics:
1. The branch of therapeutics concerned with the application of heat.
2. The medical treatment of an illness with the application of heat. Heat may be applied locally by radiant heating devices that give off infrared rays and by conductive heating that uses hot water bottles, paraffin baths, or moist hot packs.
Enduring heat; said of bacteria whose activity is not checked or hindered by high temperature.
An instrument for measuring the degree of thermosystaltism, or muscular contraction, under the influence of heat.
1. A poison developed in the body by heat.
2. A poisonous material produced by living tissue as a response to heat exposure.
thermotoxy, thermotoxic:
Death or injury caused by heat poisoning.
In tracheotomy, an incision of the trachea by thermocautery, electric cautery, or actual cautery with the aim of limiting hemorrhage.
thermotropism, thermotropic:
1. The motion by a part of an organism (e.g., leaves or stems) toward or away from a source of heat.
2. An orientation response to a heat stimulus; turning or bending under the influence of heat; usually a reference to cells and multicellular organisms.
3. The movement or growth of an organism or part of an organism in response to heat.
thigmothermic, thigmotherm, thigmothermy:
An animal that draws heat into its body from contact with a warm object in its environment.
A device for determining the temperature sense in different parts of a surface.
A short-wave diathermy machine.
Applied to mineral deposits formed by hydrothermal action at high temperatures but at a shallow depth.
xerothermic, xerotherm, xerothermy:
1. An organism capable of withstanding both drought and heat or capable of thriving in dry and hot environments.
2. A reference to any place that is dry and hot.

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