Chrono Words: achronism to chronotropism,
Part 1 of 2.
Words based on chrono-, chron- (Greek: time)
Without time; the state of timelessness; deficiency of time.
An instrument for recording the time required for the perception of a painful stimulus.
Occurring in different segments of geologic time; not contemporaneous.
Erroneous in date; out of the right chronological position or order; characterized by anachronism.
1. An error in computing time, or fixing dates; the erroneous reference of an event, circumstance, or custom to a wrong date.
2. Anything done or existing out of date; hence, anything that was proper to a former age, but is, or, if it existed, would be, out of harmony with the present.
Of the nature of, or involving, anachronism.
To put into a wrong chronological position; to transfer to a different time.
Involving anachronism; out of proper chronological position, out of date; not in its proper or historical time.
asynchronism, ansynchronous:
Not coinciding in time; not corresponding in time.
The study of the deleterious effects of time on a living system.
The shortest interval into which geologic time is subdivided.
To keep better time is not to know time better. Times mystery is not lessened by ever better clocksit is brought only more clearly into focus.
—James Jesperson, Physicist,
National Institute for Standards and Technology
Of or relating to time.
chronaxie, chronaxia, chronaxis, chronaxy:
A measurement of excitability of nervous or muscular tissue; the shortest duration of an effective electrical stimulus having a strength equal to twice the minimum strength required for excitation.
An instrument for measuring chronaxie.
chronaximetry, chronaximetric:
The measurement of chronaxie.
1. Of diseases, etc.; lasting a long time, long-continued, lingering, inveterate; opposed to acute.
2. Continuous, constant, lingering, persistent, prolonged; habitual.
3. Used colloquially as a vague expression of disapproval: bad, intense, severe, objectionable.
Of or pertaining to time; regulated by time.
The quality of being chronic.
1. A detailed and continuous register of events in order of time; a historical record; especially, one in which the facts are narrated without philosophic treatment, or any attempt at literary style.
2. A record, register, narrative, account; a frequent title of newspapers.
3. As a verb, to enter or record in a chronicle.
A writer or compiler of a chronicle, a recorder of events.
To tell or write the history of; put into a chronicle; recount; record.
Pertaining to, or in relation to, time or a time scale.
A miniature elapsed-time indicator that uses electroplating principles to measure the operating time of equipment.
1. The scientific study of the effect of time on living systems.
2. That aspect of biology concerned with the timing of biological events, especially repetitive or cyclic phenomena in individual organisms.
1. In paleontology, a time series of fossils showing small changes in successive representatives of a taxon. A gradual change in a character or group of characters over an extended period of geological time.
A cyclographic time-and-motion study in which the light level varies to permit computation of the speed and direction of body motions.
1. The time sequence of occurrences of organisms in stratified rock.
2. The history of the development of a group of organisms.
1. The subjective appreciation of the passage of time.
2. The perception of the passage of time; being aware that time is passing.
structured by religious authority and the universes natural rhythms has been replaced by the secular authority of mechanical time keepers.
1. A phrase, sentence, or inscription, in which certain letters (usually distinguished by size or otherwise from the rest) express by their numerical values a date or epoch.
2. An inscription, sentence, or phrase in which certain numeral letters, usually made especially conspicuous to express a particular date or epoch on being added together; as in: Man of sCience and huManity, Bertrand RusselLs eXample gIves life eXtra meaning = MCMLXIX or 1969, the year of Bertrand Russells death.
3. In horology, the record produced by an instrument that records time intervals, such as the duration of an event.
1. An instrument for recording time with extreme exactness; also, a watch or clock to which various mechanical devices are attached for the same purpose. It is used in astronomical and other observations, in the timing of races, etc.
2. An instrument for graphic measurement and recording brief periods of time.
3. A highly precise instrument that measures, indicates, and records the elapsed time of an event.
3. A precise time-keeper used for navigational purposes.
The description of past time, the chronological arrangement of historical events.
Relating to a diagram exhibiting the course of the mean monthly temperature of a place for each hour of the day.
An instrument that records changes in pressure versus time.
One who studies chronology, one who investigates the date and order in time of events; a chronologist.
1. Arranged in the order of time sequence.
2. Relating to or dealing with chronology.
3. Chronological age refers to a person's actual age as calculated from birth, as opposed to any age classification based on the rate of mental development.
Time goes, you say? Ah no!
Alas, Time stays, we go.
—Austin Dobson (1840-1921), British author
1. The science of computing and adjusting time or periods of time, and of recording and arranging events in the order of time; computation of time, assignation of events to their correct dates.
2. A chronological table, list, or treatise.
3. The scientific study of time and the sequence of events.
chronomancy, chromomantic:
Divination to determine the favorable time for some action, formerly practiced especially in China.
1. In horlology, the time of day as indicated by a chronometer set to Greenwich Mean Time.
2. An instrument for measuring time; specifically applied to time-keepers adjusted to keep accurate time in all variations of temperature. They differ from watches by having a more perfect escapement and a compensation balance, and are used for determining longitude at sea, and for other exact observations.
The art or science of accurately measuring time; or the measurement of intervals of time.
Any method of dating that relies on chronological measurements; such as, calendars, radiocarbon dates, etc.
chronometric encoder:
In electronics, an encoder that converts information into digital form by counting electrical pulses.
An instrument for measuring the chronaxy of muscle.
An anticancer treatment based on the timing of drug administration.
A branch of chronobiology concerned with the effects of drugs upon the timing of biological events and rhythms, and the relation of biological timing to the effects of drugs.
1. A device that generates standard time signal pulses from a clock or other timing mechanism.
2. An apparatus for the distribution of electric time-signals.
A paraphilia in which sexual satisfaction depends on the age of the partner; most frequently, the partner must be of a greatly different age than the subject (chronophilic disparity). The term includes ephebophilia (adolescents are the sexual object), gerontophilia (the partner must be older, of parental or grandparental age), nepiophilia (infants), and pedophilia (juveniles).
A morbid or neurotic fear of the duration or immensity of time.
A photograph taken as one of a series for the purpose of showing successive phases of a motion.
An early term for cinematic photography.
An instrument for observing and measuring time.
Observation and exact measurement of time.
Employing intervals of time with a fixed significance (as in a system of signaling) by exposing visual objects or sounding audible signals for selected intervals of time.
1. A species which is represented in more than one geological time horizon.
2. The successive species replacing each other in a phyletic lineage which are given ancestor and descendant status according to the geological time sequence.
An instrument formerly used for study of the rhythms of the pulse.
The study of geologic history based on the age of rock strata and their time sequences.
Distortion or confusion of the sense of time; as for dates, seasons of the year, times of day, and overestimation or underestimation of the duration of time.
The treatment of certain sleep disorders by capitalizing on the natural phase delay in adults; the bedtime is successively advanced by one to several hours each day until the individual can retire, sleep, and arise at appropriate times.
Relating to time and temperature.
A timepiece so constructed as to exaggerate the effect of changes of temperature upon its rate and used to indicate mean temperature.
Affecting the rate of rhythmic movements such as the heartbeat.
1. Modification of the rate of a periodic movement, e.g., the heartbeat, through some external influence.
2. An orientation response due to age; used particularly with reference to the movement of leaves in plants.