Aero Words: “aeroacoustics” to “anaerogenic”,
Part 1 of 2.
aero-, aer-, aeri- (Greek: air, mist, wind).
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The study of sound transmission through the air, especially in terms of the effects of environmental noise from machinery, vehicles, aircraft, etc.
Any airborne substance that will cause the symptoms of an allergy, such as pollens, dust, smoke, fungi, or perfumes.
Any of a genus of bacteria normally found in the intestine.
Spectacular feats done with an airplane, as loops, rolls, etc; stunt flying.
1. An organism that can live and grow only in the presence of oxygen.
2. An organism that can use oxygen as a final electron acceptor in a respiratory chain.
1. Living in air.
2. Relating to an aerobe; also aerophilic, aerophilous.
3. Growing or occurring only in the presence of molecular oxygen.
4. Speeding up respiration by increasing respiration and heart rates usually with exercises.
1. The study of atmospheric constituents, living and nonliving, of biological significance, e.g., airborne spores, pathogenic bacteria, allergenic substances, and pollutants.
2. That branch of biology which deals with the distribution of living organisms by the air, either the exterior or outdoor air (extramural aerobiology) or the indoor air (intramural aerobiology).
An aerobe, such as an organism living mainly in the air.
An apparatus for determining the bacterial content of the air.
1. Existence in an atmosphere containing oxygen.
2. A reference to an environment in which the partial pressure of oxygen is similar to normal atmospheric levels.
A reference to or characterized by aerobiosis, aerobic.
Distention of a small natural cavity with gas.
aerochorous, aerochore, aerochory:
Disseminated by wind.
Distention of the vagina with gas.
Distention of the colon with gas.
Roentgenography of the bladder after it has been injected with air; also called pneumocystography.
Another term for aerourethoscope.
Examination of the bladder with the aerourethroscope.
The science of soaring in a glider.
Dental pain caused by either increased or reduced atmospheric pressure; also aero-odontalgia, aero-odontodynia.
The science of the effect of either increased or reduced atmospheric pressure on the teeth.
That branch of dentistry which is concerned with effects on the teeth of those who are flying at high altitudes.
aerodrome, airdrome (British):
A small airfield with limited facilities.
An excessive fear of flying or even of being around aircraft.
aerodynamic, aerodynamics:
The study of air and other gases in motion, the forces that set them in motion, and the results of such motion.
Any aircraft that is heavier than air and derives its lift chiefly from aerodynamic forces.
Nitrogen bubbles formed in the blood or tissues during decompression sickness; also known as “decompression sickness”.
Pulmonary emphysema and edema with collection of nitrogen bubbles in the tissues of the lung; due to excessively rapid atmospheric decompression.
1. The presence of gas in the stomach; stomach bubble.
2. Distention of the stomach with gas.
A solid that is formed by replacing the liquid of a gel with a gas.
A gas-forming microorganism.
Production of gas, as with microorganisms.
aerogenic, aerogenous:
Producing gas; said of bacteria that liberate free gaseous products.
A roentgenogram of an organ afer it has been injected with air; also called pneumogram.
2. A letter designed for airmail consisting of a single sheet of lightweight paper that, once written on, can be folded and sealed to form an envelope.
aerograph, aerography:
A written report about atmospheric conditions.
One who writes reports about atmospheric conditions.
The branch of meteorology that studies and describes atmospheric conditions.
The treatment of disease by application, at different temperatures and by different methods, of both air and water.
aerohygrophilous, aerohygrophile, aerohygrophily:
Thriving in high atmospheric humidity.
aerohygrophobous, aerohygrophobe, aerohygrophobia, aerohy-
Intolerant of high atmospheric humidity.
Treatment of respiratory conditions by the inhalation of air with altered electrical charges.
aerolite, aerolith, aerolitic:
A stoney meteorite.
aerology, aerologist (one who):
1. The branch of meteorology concerned with the study of air, especially in the upper atmosphere.
2. Total atmospheric meteorology as opposed to surface-based studies.
Divination from an examination of air or atmospheric conditions; weather forecasting.
One who foretells the future by examining air or atmospheric conditions; a weater forecaster.
aeromedicine, aeromedical:
Aviation medicine.
aerometer, aerometric, aerometry:
An instrument for weighing air or for estimating the density of air or other gases.
The modification of form or structure because of exposure to air or wind.
The pilot of a balloon or dirigible; now chiefly a historical term.
aeronautics, aeronautic, aeronautical, aeronautically:
The science, art, or work of designing, making, and operating aircraft.
A nervous disorder of airplane pilots caused by the tension of excessive flying, characterized by abdominal pains, digestive disturbances. etc.
aeronomy, aeronomer, aeronomic, aeronomical, aeronomist:
The science dealing with the physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere; especially in regions of ionized gas.
aeronomer, aeronomist:
A person who is a specialist in the science dealing with the physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere; especially, in the area of ionized gas.
anaerobe, anaerobic, anaerobiosis:
1. Growing or occurring in the absence of molecular oxygen.
2. Used of an environment in which the partial pressure of oxygen is
significantly below normal atmospheric levels; deoxygenated.
anaerobiotic, anaerobiosis:
A reference to habitats devoid of, or significantly depleted in, molecular oxygen.
Not producing gas; a reference to microorganisms that do not produce visible gas during the breakdown of carbohydrates.
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