Grapho- Words Meaning Write, Record: oceanographer to photobiography,
Part 8 of 11.
Words that include: grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy,
-grapher, -graphia
(Greek: to scratch; write, record, draw, describe).
One who studies and writes about the oceans.
oceanography, oceanographic:
1. The science dealing with the physical and biological properties and phenomena of the oceans.
2. Written descriptions of the oceans.
A method of recording eye positions and movements.
odontography, odontograph, odontographic:
A written description, or history, of teeth.
oleograph, oleographic:
1. A picture printed in oil-colors in imitation of an oil-painting.
2. The art or process of printing pictures in oil-colors, by a method called chromolithography.
ombrography, ombrograph, ombrographic:
An instrument for recording the time of ooccurrence, quantity, and rapidity of rainfall.
oography, oograph:
A mechanical device for accurately the outline of a birds egg.
ophiography, ophiograph:
A treatise on, or a description of, serpents (lizards, snakes, etc.).
ophthalmography, ophthalmograph:
A written description of the eyes.
1. The practice of writing on both sides of an object used as a surface; such as, papyrus or stone.
2. The writing done in this fashion.
The description or notation of dancing by means of diagrams, etc.
1. The description of the organs of living beings; structural anatomy, esp. of plants.
2. A description of the organ (musical).
ornithobiography, ornithobiograph:
The life-history of a bird or birds.
orography, oreography:
That branch of physical geography which deals with the formation and features of mountains; the description of mountains. Also, the orographical features of a region.
orohydrography, orohydrograph, orohydrographic:
The branch of hydrography that deals with the relation of mountains to drainage and to water sheds.
One who is skilled in orthography; one who spells in accordance with accepted usage.
Words are one of our chief means of adjusting to all the situations of life. The better control we have over words, the more
successful our adjustment is likely to be.
—Bergen Evans
orthography, orthographic, orthographical:
1. Correct or proper spelling; spelling according to accepted usage; the way in which words are conventionally written. By extension, any mode or system of spelling.
2. That part of grammar which deals with the nature and values of letters and of their combination to express sounds and words; the subject of spelling.
A modification of pantomography in which the X-rays are made to be more nearly normal to the line of the jaws, so that a radiograph can be obtained showing all the teeth and adjacent tissue in a straight line.
oscillograph, oscillography:
An instrument for detecting and measuring the motion of a ship or the sea.
Description of the ears.
Written description of the amount of atmospheric ozone.
Description of the bones; descriptive osteology.
paleobiography, palaeobiography:
The written descriptions of the distribution of fossil plants and/or animals.
paleography, palaeography:
1. Ancient forms of writing, as with inscriptions, documents, and manuscripts.
2. The study of ancient writing and inscriptions; the science or art of deciphering and determining the date of ancient writings or systems of writing.
Paleographers study ancient and medieval handwriting in order to establish the provenance, date, and correct form of a text. The subject principally involves the study of writing on papyrus, parchment (vellum), or paper, although it does not exclude other forms (such as graffiti). Most paleographic research has been into manuscripts within the Greek/Latin tradition.
Paleographic research is assisted by a detailed knowledge of the language, the historical events of the period, the contemporary use of writing materials, the mannerisms of the scribes, and especially the history of handwriting styles.
paleontography, palaeontography:
The description of fossil remains of extinct animals and plants; descriptive paleontology.
paleontypography, palaeontypography:
Ancient typography; early printing.
paleozoogeography, palaeozoogeography:
The study of the distribution of fossil animal remains.
pantograph, pantographic:
A complete written description of something.
papyrography, papyrograph:
A term applied to a process of writing or drawing on paper and transferring the design to a zinc plate whence it is printed.
1. Loss of the power of writing from dictation, although the words are heard and comprehended.
2. Writing one word when another is intended.
3. A disorder of writing marked by the use of improper words or letters; a form of aphasia.
A distinct passage or section of a discourse, chapter, or book, dealing with a particular point of the subject, the words of a distinct speaker, etc., whether consisting of one sentence or of a number of sentences that are more closely connected with each other than with what stands before and after.
The system or practice of composing or printing newspaper paragraphs.
A name given to a system of writing proposed for universal use, with characters representing ideas instead of words, so as to be (like the ordinary numerals 1, 2, 3, etc.) intelligible to persons of all languages. Applied originally to a system proposed in 1796; subsequently to others having a similar object.
pathography, pathograph, pathographic:
Description of a disease.
pedography, paedography [ped (Greek) = child]:
A system devised to help children learn to read.
pedography, pedograph [ped (Latin) = foot]:
The recording and studying of the gait (a way of walking or running).
petrography, petrograph, petrographic:
The scientific description of the composition and formation of rocks; descriptive petrology.
A treatise on or description of drugs.
An instrument, utilizing microphones, amplifiers, and filters, for graphically recording the heart sounds, which are displayed on an oscilloscope or analog tracing.
phonographist, phonographer:
One who writes with shorthand.
phonography, phonograph, phonographic:
1. Any system of phonetic shorthand, as that of Pitman.
2. Phonetic spelling, writing, or shorthand.
A written description of drugs.
1. A description of the veins.
2. In medicine, the recording of the pulse in a vein.
3. In medicine, radiography of a vein, carried out after the introduction into it of a contrast medium.
phonautograph, phonautography, phonautographic:
An apparatus for automatically recording the vibrations of sound, by means of a membrane set in vibration by the sound-waves, and having a point attached which makes a tracing upon a revolving cylinder.
phonography, phonograph:
1. The art or practice of writing according to sound, or so as to represent the actual pronunciation; phonetic spelling.
2. The system of phonetic shorthand invented by Isaac Pitman in 1837: so named by him in 1840; Pitmans shorthand.
3. The automatic recording of sounds, as by the phonautograph, or the recording and reproduction of them by the phonograph; the construction and use of phonographs.
4. The scientific description of sound, or of the voice; phonology.
A persons life shown in a series of photographs.