Thermo Words: acrohypothermy to geothermometry,
Part 1 of 6
Words that include: thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(Greek > Latin: heat, hot, warm).

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Abnormal coldness of the extremities (fingers, hands; toes, feet).
Impermeability to heat (not allowing heat to pass through or to diffuse).
aerothermodynamics, aerothermodynamic:
1. Pertaining to the thermodynamic effects of air and other gases.
2. The branch of dynamics dealing with the study of the relationship between heat and mechnical energy in air and other gases.
An organism having its body heat determined largely by ambient temperatures.
aluminothermy, aluminothermics:
A process by means of which high temperatures are produced by the combination of aluminium and oxygen.
1. In geology, a postglacial period extending from about 10 000 to 7 500 years ago, during which temperatures generally rose following the last major continental glacier advance.
2. Of or relating to any period during which temperatures are/were rising.
Without heat, no heat; not hot.
1. Impermeability to heat (no heat passing through).
2. The inability of a substance to transmit infrared radiation or radiant heat.
Absorbing radiant heat; not permeable to heat rays.
1. Not pervious (not open to passage or entrance) to heat or heat-rays.
2. Without fever or a rise of temperature.
3. Afebrile or characterized by the absence of fever.
4. Heatless.
athermobiosis, athermobiose:
Dormancy induced by relatively low temperatures.
Not contracted or constricted by ordinary variations of temperature; said of certain tissues.
Without warmth or heat.
Without heat.
autotherm, autothermy:
An organism that regulates its body heat independent of ambient temperature changes.
A rarely used term for fever resulting from uremia.
An apparatus for recording simultaneously the pressure and the temperature of the atmosphere.
bathythermograph, bathythermographic:
An instrument (or reference to such) that automatically records the temperature of water at various depths.
British thermal unit (Btu):
1. The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 60 degress to 61 degrees Fahrenheit (3.9 C to 4.4C) at a constant pressure of one atmosphere.
2. The quantity of heat equal to 1/180 of the heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 32 degrees to 212 degrees Fahrenheit at a constant pressure of one atmosphere, equal to approximately 1055.056 joules. A joule is the International System unit of energy or work, equal to the work done when the application point of one newton force moves one meter in the direction of application. Symbol J [Named for the British physicist James Prescott Joule, 1818-1889, noted for his research on the mechanical equivalent of heat].
Falling temperature or lowering of heat.
Relating to time and temperature.
The quality of being diathermic.
The property of being diathermic or diathermanous; perviousness to radiant heat; diathermaneity.
The quality of being diathermanous.
Having the property of freely transmitting radiant heat.
diathermy, diathermic, diathermal, diathermia, diathermous, and transthermia is said to be a synonym of these words:
1. The therapeutic passing of high-frequency electric currents through the body by means of external electrodes in order to generate heat within the body.
2. Medical diathermy, in which the tissues are warmed but not sufficiently to change their nature.
3. Surgical diathermy, in which there is sufficient heating to produce a local change such as destruction of tissue or coagulation of bleeding vessels.
4. Local elevation of temperature within the tissues, produced by high frequency current, ultrasonic waves, or microwave radiation.
An apparatus for inducing diathermy.
ectothermic, ectotherm, ectothermal:
1. Poikilothermic; having a body temperature determined primarily by the temperature of the environment; cold-blooded animal; such as, a fish or reptile, whose body temperature varies with the environment.
2. A reference to a chemical reaction releasing heat energy.
electrotherm, electrothermal:
1. A flexible sheet of resistance coils used for applying heat to the surface of the body.
2. A reference to the production of heat from electricity.
1. A cold blooded animal; such as, a fish or reptile, whose body temperature varies with the environment.
2. Also known as poikilotherm.
endothermic, endothermia, endothermy:
1. Denoting a chemical reaction during which heat is absorbed.
2. Warm-blooded animals; such as, birds or mammals; maintaining a body temperature largely independent of the temperature of the environment; homoiothermic.
3. Characterized by, or attended with, the absorption of heat.
4. Also known as homoiotherm.
eurythermic, eurythermal, eurytherm, eurythermous:
1. An organism capable of maintaining itself over a wide temperature range; tolerant of a wide range of temperatures.
2. Able to tolerate a wide range of heat.
eurytherophilic, eurythermophile, eurythermophily:
Tolerant of (even a fondness for) a wide range of relatively high temperatures.
At an optimal temperature.
exothermia, exothermic, exothermally, exothermically:
1. Denoting a chemical reaction during which heat is emitted.
2. Relating to the external warmth of the body.
3. A compound that liberates heat during its formation and which absorbs heat or energy during its decomposition.
4. Characterized by, or attended by, the development of heat; such as, combustion.
geothermics, geothermal, geothermic:
Pertaining to the internal heat of the earht; or heat generated in the interior of the earth.
In geology, a mineral or aggregate of minerals whose presence defines the temperature range of limits within which the minerals were formed; also known as a geologic thermometer.

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