Duct Words: abduce to conduit,
Part 1 of 4.
Vocabulary words that include: duc-, -duce, -duct, -ducent, -ductor, -duction, -ductive, -ducer, -ducement, -ducation (Latin: lead, leading, bring, take, draw).
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1. To lead or draw away by act or persuasion; to abduct.
2. To draw away, as by an abducent or abductor muscle.
wing away or out. Used chiefly in anatomy, as the opposite of adducent.
1. To lead or take away improperly, whether by force or fraud; to carry off, to kidnap. Applied especially to the illegal carrying off of a woman or child.
2. To pull something, e.g., a muscle, away from the midpoint or midline of the body or of a limb.
A person who has been abducted.
1. A leading away.
2. The act of illegally carrying off or leading away anyone, such as a wife, child, ward, voter. Applied to any leading away of a minor under the age of sixteen, without the consent of the parent or guardian; and the forcible carrying off of any one above that age.
Someone who abducts or illegally leads away.
To bring forward (verbally) for consideration, to cite, to allege.
Bringing or drawing towards a given point or common center; attribute of the muscles, called adductors. Opposed to abducent.
To draw towards a common center or median line.
The action of adducing or bringing forward facts or statements.
A muscle that draws any limb, or part of the body, towards the trunk or main axis, or which folds or closes extended parts of the body.
1. An artificial channel for the conveyance of water from place to place; a conduit; especially, an elevated structure of masonry used for this purpose.
2. The similar structure by which a canal is carried over a river, etc.
3. In physiology, a name given to several small canals, chiefly in the head of mammals.
caliduct, caleduct:
A duct or pipe for the conveyance of heat by means of steam, hot water, or air.
A tube or channel for conducting heat.
1. In a general sense, to lead or convey around or about.
2. To carry or move around an axis.
The action of leading around or about; a roundabout or circuitous course.
1. To lead or tend towards (a result); to aid in bringing about, contribute to, make for, further, promote, subserve.
Having the quality of conducing or tending to (a specified end, purpose, or result); fitted to promote or subserve.
1. The action of conducting or leading; guidance, leading.
2. Provision for guidance or conveyance; a company of attendants appointed to conduct a person safely on a journey; an escort, a convoy; a document granted to ensure safe passage; especially in safe conduct.
3. As a verb, the action or manner of conducting, directing, managing, or carrying on (any business, performance, process, course, etc.); direction, management.
4. The manner of conducting oneself or ones life; behavior; usually with more or less reference to its moral quality (good or bad).
conduction, conductive:
1. The conducting of liquid through a channel or pipe. Now chiefly applied to natural processes, e.g. the movement of sap in plants.
2. The transmission of heat, electricity, or nerve-force from particle to particle of a substance.
Conductive quality; power of conducting heat, electricity, etc.; especially, with reference to its degree.
An instrument for measuring conductivity.
The study or science of the measurement of conductivity; the process of such measurement.
1. A person, etc. who conducts, leads, guides, etc.; one who leads, guides, or escorts; a leader, guide.
2. The director of an orchestra or chorus, who indicates to the performers the rhythm, expression, etc., of the music by motions of a baton or of the hands.
3. An official who has charge of the passengers, collects fares, and generally directs the proceedings, on an omnibus, tram, or a railroad train.
4. Anything that conducts, leads, or guides; a channel by which water, etc. is conducted.
5. A substance having the property of conducting or permitting the passage of heat, electricity, or other form of energy.
6. A device or arrangement (e.g. a wire, rod, or the like) for conducting electricity; that part of a cable, etc., by which the electricity is conducted.
A class of musical composition, monophonic or polyphonic, practiced in the 12th and 13th centuries, and not normally based upon Gregorian chant: it was originally associated with the procession in church, and its metrical Latin texts are devotional, moral, or political in content.
1. A pipe or channel that carries liquid to or from a place.
2. A pipe or tube that covers and protects electrical cables.
3. Someone or something that conveys information; especially, if in secret.