Verb Words: adverb to verbal,
Part 1 of 2
Words that include: verbo-, verb-, verbi- (Latin: word)
Verba volant, scripta manent.
Spoken words fly away, written words remain.
A word used to modify (describe) or limit (make specific) the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Most adverbs are formed by adding ly to adjectives; however, adjectives ending in ic add ally: basic, basically. Others, such as well, far, low, hard, early, and fast; have the same form as adjectives.
An adverb that modifies a verb answers any of four questions:
Where? When? In what manner? To what extent? An adverb that modifies an adjective or another adverb, answers To what extent? When an adverb functions in this second manner, it is often called an intensifier because it increases or decreases the intensity of the adjective or adverb it modifies.
In summary:
Adverbs tell manner (how), time (when), place (where), degree (how much), and sometimes cause (why).
Adverbs of manner: politely, carefully, not, equally, tenderly
Adverbs of time: now, then soon, later, early, often
Adverbs of place: here, there, near, forward, far
Adverbs of degree: very, so, much, too, extremely, rather
Adverbs of cause: why, therefore, hence
Of or pertaining to, or of the nature of an adverb.
A name composed of two words.
Relating to two words; punning.
1. A devotee of crossword puzzles, or an expert at solving them.
2. A designer or aficionado of crossword puzzles; a maker or creator of crossword puzzles.
Someone who loves or is very fond of crossword puzzles.
deverbal, deverbative:
Derived from a verb.
Placed between words.
Within a word.
ipsissima verba:
1. The very words; verbatim.
2. The precise words used by a writer or speaker.
1. Not employing or including words; unskilful in the use of words.
2. Not employing or including a verb; not a form of a verb.
3. Denoting communication without sounds or words; e.g., by signs, symbols, facial expressions, gestures, posture, body language, etc.
note verbale:
Verbal note; an unsigned diplomatic note, of the nature of a memorandum, which is written in the third person.
A humorous word meaning, capable of swallowing all words.
A word that can substitute for a verb; its function is similar to that of a pronoun. In the following sentence, the word do acts as a pro-verb: Our neighbors never mow their lawn, but we do.
1. A short, popular saying, sometimes expressing wisdom. It is also called an adage, maxim, axiom, aphorism, apothegm, or epigram.
2. A short pithy saying in common and recognized use; a concise sentence, often metaphorical or alliterative in form, which is held to express some truth ascertained by experience or observation and familiar to all; an adage.
Resembling, characteristic of, or of the nature of a proverb; expressed in a proverb or proverbs; a reference to something that has been the subject of a proverb.
Someone who originates, uses, or records proverbial sayings.
res non verba:
Things not words; material fact or concrete action as opposed to mere talk.
The action of splitting (dividing) words.
transverbate, transverbation:
To translate verbally or word for word.
A word or group of words that expresses time
while showing an action, a condition, or the fact that something exists.
Verbs have a major effect on syntax; that is, on the way words are put together and are related to one another in sentences. Because of this effect, verbs are generally divided into two main categories: action verbs and linking verbs.
The majority of verbs in English express action. They are used to tell what someone or something does, did, or will do. Linking verbs; on the other hand, are used to express a condition or the fact that something exists.
Linking verbs never express action. Instead, they link, or join, words in a sentence; such as, connecting a subject of a sentence with a word at or near the end of the sentence. The verb be, or to be, is the most common linking verb.
Linking verbs: Ms. Jones is our neighbor. The cake batter should be smooth. The cartons of milk are in the refrigerator. The keys were here yesterday.
The verb, around which the sentence is built, serves as the simple predicate. It shows action or state of being or condition.
A verb may consist of only one word: I rang the bell. (action). I am sure. (state of being or condition)
A verb may be a verb phrase, a group of words used as one verb: I should have brushed my hair. I have been ready for an hour.
1. Dealing in or with words, especially with mere words in contrast to things or realities.
2. Using many words; talkative, verbose; ready to use words; articulate.
3. Interested in, attending to, the mere words of a literary composition.
4. Consisting or composed of words; also, of or pertaining to, manifested in, words.
5. In diplomacy, a verbal note is an unsigned note or memorandum sent as a mere reminder of some matter not of immediate importance.
6. Verbal diarrhea, a tendency to talk too much; extreme verbosity.
7. Concerned with, affecting or involving, words only, without touching things or realities.
8. Finding expression in words only, without being manifested in action.
8. Expressed or conveyed by speech instead of writing; stated or delivered by word of mouth; oral.
9. A noun, or other part of speech, derived from a verb. 10. A word or group of words performing the function of a verb. 11. A verbal statement, specifically a damaging admission, alleged to have been made by a suspected criminal and offered in evidence against him at a trial.