Duct Words: deduce to inductee,
Part 2 of 4.
Vocabulary words that include: duc-, -duce, -duct, -ducent, -ductor, -duction, -ductive, -ducer, -ducement, -ducation (Latin: lead, leading, bring, take, draw).
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1. To come to a conclusion, often without all the necessary or relevant information, but using what is known in a logical way.
2. To come to a conclusion by inference from a general principle.
3. A general term for reaching a conclusion based on evidence.
1. To take away or subtract from a sum or amount.
2. To derive by reasoning, infer, deduce.
1. That which can be deducted from ones tax or from ones taxable income.
2. The amount of a loss which must be borne by the policy-holder in the event of a claim upon an insurance policy.
1. The action of deducting or taking away from a sum or amount; subtraction, abatement.
2. The process of deducing or drawing a conclusion from a principle already known or assumed; specifically, in logic, inference by reasoning from generals to particulars; opposed to induction.
3. That which is deduced; an inference, conclusion.
Belonging to, relating to, or like a duke or dukedom. Via French, ultimately from Latin duc-, the stem of dux, leader.
1. An old European gold or silver coin formerly used in some European countries, e.g., Italy and the Netherlands.
2. A ticket for a performance; probably from ducats, money or cash; via Old French ultimately from medieval Latin, ducatus, duchy; so called because the word appeared on early coins.
duce: (DOO chay)
An Italian term for "leader" or "commander". The Italian Fascist leader Mussolini was called "Il Duce". The word comes from Italian via Latin dux, "leader".
The wife or widow of a duke.
The territory over which a duke or duchess has jurisdicion.
1. A conduit, channel, or tube, for the conveyance of water or other liquid.
2. A pipe or tube through which air is conveyed for cooling, ventilation, etc.
3. A conduit for an electric cable or the like.
4. A tube or canal in the animal body, by which the bodily fluids are conveyed. Formerly used in a wide sense, so as to include the blood-vessels and alimentary canal, but now applied more strictly to the vessels conveying the chyle, lymph, and secretions.
1. A reference to metal that can be hammered out thin; malleable; flexible, pliable, not brittle.
2. Capable of being drawn out into wire or thread, tough; flexible, pliant; capable of being moulded or shaped; plastic.
3. Of persons, their dispositions, etc.: susceptible of being led or drawn; yielding readily to persuasion or instruction; tractable, pliable, pliant.
An instrument for measuring the ductility of metals.
1. Capability of being extended by beating, drawn out into wire, worked upon, or bent; malleability, pliableness, flexibility.
2. Capability of being easily led or influenced; tractableness, docility.
ductus litterarum:
The general shape and formation of letters and their combinations in manuscripts, the study of which may make possible the restoration of the true readings in a corrupt text.
A system of ducts for the conveyance of liquids, gases, etc.
A prince who rules a duchy, principality, or other small state.
1. The rank, position, or title of a duke.
2. Duchy.
1. To give knowledge to or develop the abilities of someone by teaching.
2. To arrange schooling for someone.
3. To train or instruct someone in a particular field. To educere to lead out, from ducere, to lead.
1. The imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning; especially, at a school or similar institution.
2. The system of educating people in a commmunity or society.
After all, what is education but a process by which a person begins to learn how to learn?
—Peter Ustinov, in Dear Me; 1977.
educational, educationally:
1. Giving knowledge, instruction, or information.
2. Relating to, involving, or concerned with education.
An expert in the theories or administration of education.
1. A professional teacher.
2. An expert in the theories or administration of education.
1. To elicit or derive something, e.g., a conclusion.
2. To make something latent develop or appear.
A substance extracted from another substance without chemical alteration.
1. The derivation or development of something, or something derived or developed.
2. The exhaust of an engine, especially an internal-combustion or steam engine.
1. To lead (a person), by persuasion or some influence or motive that acts upon the will, to some action, condition, belief, etc.; to lead on, move, influence, prevail upon (any one) to do something.
2. To bring in, introduce (a practice, condition, state of things, custom, law, etc.).
3. To introduce or bring (a person) into the knowledge of something; to initiate, instruct.
1. To introduce formally into possession of a benefice or living, to install; to introduce into office.
2. To introduce (to); to initiate (into).
3. In the United States, to bring or to recruit into the military service.
That property of a circuit or device by virtue of which any variation in the current flowing through it induces an electromotive force in the circuit itself (self-inductance) or in another conductor (mutual inductance): without qualification usually the former. Also, the magnitude of this, as measured by the ratio of an induced electromotive force to the rate of change of the inducing current.
1. Having been introduced formally or placed in an office, position, etc.
2. In the United States, recruited into a military organization.
Someone who has been inducted into a military service.