Patho-, -Pathy disease, medical Words: "oculopathy" to "pathogens",
Part 4 of 6
Medical words that include: patho-, -path-, -pathia,
-pathic, -pathology, -pathetic, -pathize, -pathy
(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception, suffering, [in medicine, these elements usually mean one who suffers from a disease of, or one who treats a disease and they are listed separately here from the feeling words]).

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patho- words.
Any disease of the eyes.
Any disease of the teeth or their sockets.
onychopathy, onychopathic:
Any disease of the finger or toe nails.
A disease of the eyes. Also oculopathy.
Disease of the testis.
A disease associated with some structural change of an organ or tissue in the body.
The treatment of illness or disease without the use of drugs.
Diseases of bones and joints.
The science of bone diseases.
osteopathy, osteopath, osteopathic:
1. Disease or affection of the bones.
2. A theory of disease and method of cure founded on the assumption that deformation of some part of the skeleton and consequent interference with the adjacent nerves and blood-vessels are the cause of most diseases.
Any disease of the ears.
Any disease of the ovaries.
palaeopathology, paleopathology:
The study of the diseases of past periods or from previous times. The study of disease in bodies preserved from ancient times, such as in mummies.
Any disease of the pancreas.
Any disease of the pancreas.
Of, pertaining to, or designating one of the major divisions of the autonomic nervous system, distinguished from the sympathetic system by its place of origin, its use of acetylcholine as a transmitter, and its general association with rest and recuperation rather than alertness.
Any diseased state or morbid condition.
One pole of a personality dimension characterized by emotional immaturity with poorly focused feelings rather than realistic and objective attitudes.
1. Another term for pathology, especially psychopathology.
2. In philosophy, the doctrine of the effects on the mind of pleasure and pain.
Any bodily malfunction or defect that interferes with an individual's psychological adjustment.
pathergy, pathergia, pathergic:
An abnormal reaction to an allergen (allergy), either a subnormal reaction or an excessive reaction.
In medicine, denoting the fourth cranial nerve (pathetic nerve), the nerveus trochlearis (fourth cranial nerve; pathetic nerve; supplies the superior oblique muscle of the eye).
2. A reference to that which arouses sorrow or pity.
Pertaining to the anatomy of diseased tissues.
Pathologic anatomy.
The study of the biological processes associated with diseased or injured tissue.
A specific elemental sensitivity to specific toxins, or a specific affinity of some toxins for certain systems of organs; a tendency for toxins to attack certain organs.
The tendency to deny one's disease or to verbally express very little about it.
The tendency to talk too much about one's disease accompanied by a desire to display the injured or diseased part.
In dentistry, diseases of the teeth.
A reference to the start of a disease; said of symptoms at the beginning of a mental disorder.
Any disease-producing micro-organism such s a bacterium or a virus.
The origin and developmental course of a disease or mental disorder.
1. Capacity of something to cause disease or the ability to produce pathologic changes.
2. The capacity of a micro-organism to produce disease.
1. Any disease-causing micro-organisms, which proceed to establish themselves, multiply, and produce various symptoms in their hosts.
Pathogens may invade via a wound or (in animals) through the mucous membranes lining the alimentary, respiratory, and reproductive tracts; and they may be transmitted by infected individuals, carriers (individuals who harbor particular disease-causing micro-organisms without ill-effects and who can transmit the micro-organism to others), or an insect vector. An insect vector refers to insects that passively transmit disease-causing micro-organisms from animals or plants to others or from animals to people. Pathogens include viruses, rickettsiae, and many bacteria, fungi, and protozoans.
Rickettsiae are very small rod-shaped nonmotile micro-organisms that resemble bacteria in their cellular structures and methods of asexual reproduction but, like a virus, they are totally parasitic, being unable to reproduce outside the cells of their hosts. Rickettsiae can infect such arthropods as ticks, fleas, lice, and mites, through which they can be transmitted to vertebrates, including humans. The group includes the causal agents of trench fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and forms of typhus.
pathogeny, pathogenetic, pathogenic, pathogenous:
The development of morbid conditions or of a disease.
Illness is the most heeded of doctors: to kindness and wisdom we make promises only; pain we obey.
—Marcel Proust (1871-1922)
Clearly, if disease is man-made, it can also be man-prevented. It should be the function of medicine to help people die young as late in life as possible.
—Ernst Wunder, New York Times,
September 30, 1975.
There are seven sections of
patho- words and four self-scoring quizzes are available so you can see how many of these words you know:
Patho- (Feeling) Quiz #1.
Patho- (Disease) Quiz#1
Patho- (Disease) Quiz #2.
Patho- (Disease) Quiz #3.