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hebe-, heb- (Greek: youth, pubescence, puberty [the period during which the secondary sex characteristics begin to develop and the capability of sexual reproduction is attained; by extension, young man]).

1. An ephebus or ephebos (singular), ephebi (plural); "one approaching manhood".
2. Among the Greeks, a young citizen from eighteen to twenty years of age, during which he was occupied chiefly with garrison (military) duty.
From the Greek word ephebe (epi- "at, upon" plus hebe- "early manhood"). One source suggests that in ancient Athens (335 B.C.), an ephebe was a young citizen undergoing physical and military training. To be a citizen, it was necessary that every legitimate son of pure Athenian parentage who had reached the age of eighteen had to be enrolled in an ephebic college and undergo its two year course of rigorous training in military and civic duties and activities.

At the end of the first year the ephebians gave a display of their skill in military tactics and drills before the citizens of Athens in the state theater. At the close of this display each ephebian received a spear and a shield and took his oath of allegiance.

1. A term relating to the period of puberty or to a youth or early manhood.
2. A reference to the ephebi.
1. The branch of medicine that treats the development and pathology of adolescence; the specialty of diseases of adolescents.
2. A branch of medicine consisting of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of youth (18-25 years).
The study of the morphological and other changes incidental to puberty.
In psychiatry, a paraphilia in which sexual arousal and orgasm are dependent upon the partner being an adolescent.
A citizen between eighteen and twenty years. From Greek history, a youth, through Latin (epi + hebe) youth, early manhood.
The goddess of youth in Greek mythology; representing youth and the strength of youth.
Having the corolla of the flower pubescent.
Having pubescent fruit.
Having pubescent branches.
Having pubescent ovaries.
Having pubescent petals.
A fear of young people or youth.
hebephrenia, hebephrenic:
1. Adolescent insanity. Coined by the German psychiatrist Ewald Hecker in 1871.
2. A pubescent or adolescent psychological disorder characterized by silly behavior, volatile emotions, hallucinations, and mental deterioration.
3. From a psychiatric dictionary: A syndrome characterized by shallow and inappropriate affect, giggling, and silly, regressive behavior and mannerisms; a subtype of schizophrenia now renamed disorganized schizophrenia.
A reference to puberty; youth, youthful.
Adolescent medicine.
A term for simple schizophrenia.