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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- malleo-, malle- (Latin: hammer) (three matching results)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: ballistocardiograph to cartography, part 2 of 11 (one matching result)
- phobo-, -phobia (excessive fear; hatred for) words: cacohydrophobia to cypriphobia, part 5 of 13 (one matching result)
- -pel-, -peal, -pell, -pellent, puls- (Latin: drive, push, beat) (one matching result)
- Capnophobia, Fear of Smoking words, part 2 of 4 (one matching result)
- croustico-, crousto-, crusto-, croust-, crust-, kroustico-, krousto-, kroust-, krust- (Greek: to stretch; stretch out; to beat, strike) (one matching result)
- bat- (Latin: beat, strike, hit) (one matching result)
- quas- (Latin: to make void, annul; originally from the Latin meaning of, "to shake violently, to shatter") (one matching result)
- puls-, pulsi-, pulso-, -puls, -pulse, -pulsion, -pulsive (Latin: push, beat, strike, knock, drive) (one matching result)
- crot- (Greek: pulse beat) (one matching result)
- obtusi- (Latin: to blunt, dull; from ob- "against" plus tundere, "to beat, strike") (one matching result)
- tri-(three, thrice, threefold) dictionary words: triact to tricycle, part 1 of 4 (one matching result)
- elasmo- (Greek: to drive, strike, beat out; general application is "beaten metal, metal plate") (one matching result)
- pono-, pon-, -ponic, -ponics (Greek: toil, labor, work hard, fatigue; exertion; also, suffering, pain) (one matching result)
- tympano-, tympan-, tympani- (Greek: drum, kettledrum; from "blow, impression, to beat") (one matching result)
- tacho-, tachy- (fast, speed, swift) dictionary words: acestachy to tachyzoite, part 1 of 1 (one matching result)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: dactyliography to etymography, part 4 of 11 (one matching result)
- sphygo-, sphyg-, -sphyx- (Greek: pulse, pulsation; to beat, pulsate) (one matching result)
- photo- (light) words: photoesthesia to sthenophotic, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- Capnomania and fumimania, tobacco or smoking addictions, words, part 1 of 4 (one matching result)
- beat- (Latin: happy; blessed) (one matching result)
- plaud-, plaus-, plod-, plos- (Latin: applause, to clap, strike, beat, to clap the hands) (one matching result)