Click on the elements of interest for more details,
or make a new query .
The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- crypto-, crypt- (secret, hidden) words: allocryptic to xylocryptite (two matching results)
- phono-, -phonia (sound, voice, speech) words: acrophonic to dysphonia, part 1 of 5 (one matching result)
- -her-, -hes- (Latin: stick to, cling to, cleave to) (one matching result)
- mytho-, myth- (talk, word, story, legend) myth words: demyth to theomythology (one matching result)
- ophio-, ophi-, -ophid, ophidio-, -ophidia, -ophis (Greek: snake, serpent) (one matching result)
- bentho-, benth- (deep, depth; sea bottom) words: abyssobenthic to zoobenthos (one matching result)
- homo-, hom- (same, equal, like, similar) words: homonym to homozygote, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- mascu-, mas- (Latin: male, manly, of or relating to men or boys; of the male sex and gender; bold, courageous) (one matching result)
- -arch, -archy (govern, rule; ruler) words: matriarch to triarchy, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- meteoro-, meteor- (upraised, high up in the air, lofty) words: agrometeorology to telemeteorograph (one matching result)