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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- capno-, capn- (smoke, vapor, sooty; carbon dioxide) words: acapnia to normocapnia (three matching results)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: ballistocardiograph to cartography, part 2 of 11 (two matching results)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: photochronographr to rupography, part 9 of 11 (two matching results)
- bio-, bi- (life; living, live, alive) words (two matching results)
- chrono-, chron- (time) words: achronism to chronotropism, part 1 of 2 (two matching results)
- clino-, clin-, -clinal, -cline (New Latin: an ecological term; in the sense of a slope or gradient) (two matching results)
- acerbo-, acerb- (Latin: bitter, sharp, sour, stinging) (one matching result)
- phago-, -phagia, -phagy (eat, eating; consume, ingest) words: pagophagia to zoophagous, part 4 of 4 (one matching result)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: cathodography to cystourethrography, part 3 of 11 (one matching result)
- clys (Greek: to wash; washing) (one matching result)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: tachograph to zoography, part 11 of 11 (one matching result)
- gram- (write, written) words: odontogram to xerogram, part 3 of 3 (one matching result)
- phono-, -phonia (sound, voice, speech) words: earphone to neurophonia, part 2 of 5 (one matching result)
- -arch, -archy (govern, rule; ruler) words: matriarch to triarchy, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- stratio-, strati-, strato-, strat- stratus (Latin: horizontal layer; "stretched, spread out"; layer, cloud layer) (one matching result)
- logo-, log-, -logia (word, talk, speech, speak; word) words: logomania to teralogism, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- somni-, somno-, somn-, -somnia, -somniac (Latin: sleep; dream) (one matching result)
- pan-, panto- (all, every, entire) words: panimmunity to panzootic, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- homo-, hom- (same, equal, like, similar) words: homatomic to homomorphic, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- bio-, bi- (life; living, live, alive) words: biosonar to biotaxy, part 14 of 20 (one matching result)
- legi-,-lectic (read, recite) words: collect to sortilege (one matching result)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: hagiographist to kymograph, part 6 of 11 (one matching result)
- chrono-, chron- (time) words: dendrochronology to tephrochronology, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- orchido-, orchid- (testes, testicles) words: anorchism to vaso-orchidostomy (one matching result)
- idio-, idi- (peculiar, personal, private) words: iidiopathic to idioxanthic, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- bio-, bi- (life; living, live, alive) words: biophysics to biopyoculture, part 12 of 20 (one matching result)
- baro-, bary- (weight, heavy; pressure) words: abarognosis to thermobarograph (one matching result)
- gram- (write, written): words accelerogram to fathogram, part 1 of 3 (one matching result)