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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- phreno- (mind, brain; diaphragm) words: aphrenia to schizophrenia, part 1 of 1 (seven matching results)
- mania-, -mania (mental disorder; excessive enthusiasm) words: paramania to zoomania, part 4 of 4 (five matching results)
- agryp- (Greek: sleeplessness, wakefulness; originally it meant "sleeping in the field") (two matching results)
- psych-, psycho- (mind, mental process, life, soul, spirit) dictionary words: psychosensory to psychurgy, part 7 of 7 (one matching result)
- flocc-, floccu- (Latin: tuft or cluster, as of wool) (one matching result)
- typho-, typh-, -typhoidal (smoke, mist, vapor, cloud, fog; in medicine, fever accompanied by stupor or a clouding of the mind resulting from a fever) dictionary words: antityphoid to typhus, part 1 of 1 (one matching result)
- carpho- (Greek: straw, dry stock; from karphein, to wither, wrinkle, dry) (one matching result)
- psych-, psycho- (mind, mental process, life, soul, spirit) dictionary words: allopsychic to neuropsychosis, part 1 of 7 (one matching result)