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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- -olatry, -olatrous (worship) words: angelolatry to zoolatry (six matching results)
- mania-, -mania (mental disorder; excessive enthusiasm) words: ecdemiomania to krauomania, part 2 of 4 (two matching results)
- philo-, -philia (love, fondness for, attraction to) words: philology to pyroxylophilous, part 8 of 10 (one matching result)
- zoo-, -zoon (animal, living being; life) dictionary words: zooecology to zoology, part 3 of 5 (one matching result)
- vov-, vot- (Latin: vow, affirm, wish, commit) (one matching result)
- aesth-, esth- (feeling, sensation, perception) words: enterosthesia to euesthesia, part 3 of 5 (one matching result)
- hedono-, hedon- (pleasure) dictionary words: anhedonia to nikhedonia, part 1 of 1 (one matching result)
- zoo-, -zoon (animal, living being; life) dictionary words: zoophile to zooxanthella, part 5 of 5 (one matching result)
- zoo-, -zoon (animal, living being; life) dictionary words: zoomancy to zoophagy, part 4 of 5 (one matching result)
- ferv- (Latin: to boil; hot; to begin to boil, to be hot; deeply earnest; ardent) (one matching result)
- pass-, pati- (suffering, feeling; enduring): compassion to ncompassionate (one matching result)
- dic-, dict- (talk, speak, say) wods: abdicant to vindictive (one matching result)