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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- zygo-, zyg-, -zygous (Greek: yoke, forming pairs; joined, union; or denoting relationship to a junction) (three matching results)
- acro-, acr- words: acroagnosis to acromyotonia, part 1 of 2 (two matching results)
- tri-(three, thrice, threefold) dictionary words: tridactyl to trimorphous, part 2 of 4 (two matching results)
- Chemical Elements words: plutonium to samarium, part 6 of 8 (two matching results)
- acro-, acr- words: acroneurosis to polyacron, part 2 or 2 (two matching results)
- iso-, is- (equal, same) words: geoisotherm to isohyetal, part 1 of 2 (two matching results)
- grad-, -grade, -gred, -gree, -gress (Latin: walk, step, take steps, move around; walking or stepping) (two matching results)
- multi-, mult- (many, much) words: multangular to multungulate (one matching result)
- bi-, bin-, bino-, bis- (Latin: two, twice, double, twofold; a number used as a prefix) (one matching result)
- aniso-, anis- (unequal, dissimilar, uneven) words: aniseikonia to anisotropy (one matching result)
- patho-, -pathy (perception, suffering, disease [medical]): acroleukopathy to cytopathy, part 1 of 6 medical words (one matching result)
- poly- (many, much; excessive) words: polyacanthous to polylogy, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- poly- (many, much; excessive) words: polymastia to polyzoan, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- phalango-, phalang- (Greek via Latin: bone between two joints of a finger or toe; line of battle; from phalanx, heavy infantry in close order [from Greek antiquity]) (one matching result)
- unguo-, ungu- (Latin: nail, claw, hoof) (one matching result)
- Prefixes a-, an- words: abacterial to alexia, part 1 of 4 (one matching result)