Click on the elements of interest for more details,
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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- mecono-, mecon- (Greek > Latin: [mekonion > meconium] of or pertaining to the poppy, poppy, poppy-juice; opium) (two matching results)
- phago-, -phagia, -phagy (eat, eating; consume, ingest): acridophage to dysphagia, part 1 of 4 (two matching results)
- copro-, copr-, kopro-, kopr- (Greek: feces, dung, excrement; filth, dirt) (two matching results)
- phobo-, -phobia (excessive fear; hatred for) words: cacohydrophobia to cypriphobia, part 5 of 13 (one matching result)
- philo-, -philia (love, fondness for, attraction to) words: balneophile to cypripareuniaphile, part 2 of 10 (one matching result)
- -cern-, -cret- (Latin: separate, sift, distinguish, understand, decide; separated, set apart) (one matching result)
- -mancy, -mancer (Greek: divination, prophecy) words: pedomancy to spasmatomancy, part 8 of 9 (one matching result)
- lax- (Latin: loose; slack) (one matching result)
- -mancy, -mancer (Greek: divination, prophecy) words: spatalamancy to zygomancy, part 9 of 9 (one matching result)
- feco-, fec-, faeco-, faec-, feci- (Latin: excrement, dung; from faeces, plural of faex, "dregs, sediment") (one matching result)
- Historical Perspectives of Ablutions (one matching result)
- steato-, steat- (Greek: fat; suet, tallow) (one matching result)
- caco-, kako- words (bad, harsh, wrong; incorrect; unpleasant): alexicacon to kakistocracy (one matching result)
- mania-, -mania (mental disorder; excessive enthusiasm) words: ablutomania to dysmorphomania, part 1 of 4 (one matching result)
- pimelo-, pimel-, pimele- (Greek: [soft] fat) (one matching result)
- scato-, scat-, skato-, skat- (Greek: dung, feces, excrement) (one matching result)