Click on the elements of interest for more details,
or make a new query .
The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- atmo-, atm- (Greek: vapor, steam; air, gas; respiration) (four matching results)
- stratio-, strati-, strato-, strat- stratus (Latin: horizontal layer; "stretched, spread out"; layer, cloud layer) (four matching results)
- techno-, -techny (art, skill, craft): agrotechnology to zymotechnology (two matching results)
- Apollo, god of the Sun, words from myths (two matching results)
- tigri-, tigr-, tiger (Greek > Latin > Old French: swift animal) (two matching results)
- Chemical Elements: cadmium to einsteinium, part 2 of 8 (one matching result)
- luco-, luc-, luci-, lux, -lucence, -lucent (Latin: light, shine) (one matching result)
- abysso-, abyss-, abys- (Greek > Latin: Greek [abussoz], a-, "no" plus bussos, "bottom" through Latin [abyssus] no bottom, bottomless) (one matching result)
- bentho-, benth- (deep, depth; sea bottom) words: abyssobenthic to zoobenthos (one matching result)
- baro-, bary- (weight, heavy; pressure) words: abarognosis to thermobarograph (one matching result)
- Capnomania and fumimania, tobacco or smoking addictions, words, part 1 of 4 (one matching result)
- The planet Mars (Ares), god of war, words from myths (one matching result)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Fabrosaurids to Hypselosaurus [plus one pix], part 5 of 10 (one matching result)
- Chemical Elements words: erbium to hydrogen, part 3 of 8 (one matching result)
- Pluto, planet and Greek god of wealth, words from myths (one matching result)