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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- -onym, -nym (name) words: acronym to typonym (67 matching results)
- nom-, nomen- (name) words: agnomen to trinomialism (37 matching results)
- Chemical Elements words: plutonium to samarium, part 6 of 8 (34 matching results)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Bactrosaurus to Ctenosaurus [plus one pix], part 3 of 10 (31 matching results)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Ichthyosaur to Muttaburrasaurus [plus one pix], part 6 of 10 (29 matching results)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Fabrosaurids to Hypselosaurus [plus one pix], part 5 of 10 (25 matching results)
- Chemical Elements words: actinium to bromine, part 1 of 8 (24 matching results)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Naashoiobitosaurus to Piatnitzkysaurus [plus one pix], part 7 of 10 (24 matching results)
- Chemical Elements: cadmium to einsteinium, part 2 of 8 (24 matching results)
- Chemical Elements words: mercury to platinum, part 5 of 8 (23 matching results)
- Chemical Elements words: scandium to thorium, part 7 of 8 (22 matching results)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Saurornithelestes to Szechuanosaurus, part 9 of 10 (22 matching results)
- Chemical Elements words: indium to mendelevium, part 4 of 8 (21 matching results)
- Chemical Elements words: erbium to hydrogen, part 3 of 8 (21 matching results)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Dachongosaurus to Eudkelosaurus [plus one pix], part 4 of 10 (20 matching results)
- Chemical Elements words: thulium to zirconium, part 8 of 8 (20 matching results)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Pinacosaurus to Sauropodomorphs, part 8 of 10 (19 matching results)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Taphrosaurus to Zizhongosaurus, part 10 of 10 (19 matching results)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Aachenosaurus to Azendohsaurus [plus one pix], part 2 of 10 (14 matching results)
- scrib-, -scription (write, record) words: adscript to typescript (seven matching results)
- Pluto, planet and Greek god of wealth, words from myths (five matching results)
- theo-,-theism (God, god, deity) dictionary words: theonomy to zootheology, part 4 of 4 (five matching results)
- cred-, creed- (believe, trust) words: accredit-uncreditable (four matching results)
- orchido-, orchid- (testes, testicles) words: anorchism to vaso-orchidostomy (four matching results)
- hades (Greek: the lower world [originally, invisible, to make invisible]) (four matching results)
- caco-, kako- words (bad, harsh, wrong; incorrect; unpleasant): alexicacon to kakistocracy (four matching results)
- tri-(three, thrice, threefold) dictionary words: trinal to trisyllable, part 3 of 4 (four matching results)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: hagiographist to kymograph, part 6 of 11 (four matching results)
- fa-,-fess (talk, speak, say, spoken about) words: affability to professor (three matching results)
- sylv-, silv- (Latin: woods, forest) (three matching results)
- -mancy, -mancer (Greek: divination, prophecy) words: macharomancy to nycromancy, part 6 of 9 (three matching results)
- pater-, patri-, -patria (father, dad; fatherland, country) words: allopatric to sympatria (three matching results)
- The planet Jupiter, words from myths (three matching results)
- ferv- (Latin: to boil; hot; to begin to boil, to be hot; deeply earnest; ardent) (three matching results)
- -ase (Greek: a suffix indicating an enzyme) (three matching results)
- phono-, -phonia- (sound, voice, speech) words: phonodynamograph to phony, part 4 of 5 (three matching results)
- crypto-, crypt- (secret, hidden) words: allocryptic to xylocryptite (three matching results)
- theo-,-theism (God, god, deity) dictionary words: panentheism to theody, part 2 of 4 (three matching results)
- Prefixes a-, an- words: alogia to anonymous, part 2 of 4 (three matching results)
- iso-, is- (equal, same) words: isoimmunization to isozooid, part 2 of 2 (two matching results)
- -mancy, -mancer (Greek: divination, prophecy) words: chresmomancy to cyclomancy, part 3 of 9 (two matching results)
- sen-, sene-, seni-, sir- (Latin: old age, old, elder) (two matching results)
- aesculus- (Latin: ancient name of an Italian oak; now applied to the horse chestnut) (two matching results)
- homo-, hom- (same, equal, like, similar) words: homonym to homozygote, part 2 of 2 (two matching results)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: gastrograph to gyrograph, part 5 of 11 (two matching results)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: tachograph to zoography, part 11 of 11 (two matching results)
- gram- (write, written): words accelerogram to fathogram, part 1 of 3 (two matching results)
- miso-, mis-, -misia (hate, hater, hatred; disgust for; revulsion of) words: iatromisia to nomomisia (two matching results)
- Capnophobia, Fear of Smoking words, part 2 of 4 (two matching results)
- frater-, frat- (Latin: brother [family member]) (two matching results)
- adelpho-, adelph-, -adelphia, -adelphous (Greek: brother) (two matching results)
- -suchus (crocodile) dictionary words: Acaenasuchus to Lythrosuchus, part 1 of 2 (two matching results)
- phono-, -phonia (sound, voice, speech) words: acrophonic to dysphonia, part 1 of 5 (two matching results)
- andro-, andr- (man, men, male, masculine; also, stamen) words: andropara to triandrous, part 2 of 2 (two matching results)
- faun-, fauni-, fauna-, -fauna (Latin: animal; a collective name for the animals of a certain region or time) (two matching results)
- Apollo, god of the Sun, words from myths (two matching results)
- metro-, metr- (Greek: mother [family member]) (two matching results)
- psych-, psycho- (mind, mental process, life, soul, spirit) dictionary words: allopsychic to neuropsychosis, part 1 of 7 (two matching results)
- Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun, words from myths (two matching results)
- vir-, viri-, virtu-(Latin: man, manliness; manhood; husband) (two matching results)
- ophio-, ophi-, -ophid, ophidio-, -ophidia, -ophis (Greek: snake, serpent) (two matching results)
- mania-, -mania (mental disorder; excessive enthusiasm) words: lagneuomania to ornithomania, part 3 of 4 (two matching results)
- stygio- (hate, abhorrence; loathsome) dictionary words: stygiophobia to Styx, part 1 of 1 (two matching results)
- Venus, Roman goddess of love and beauty, words from myths (two matching results)
- organo-, organ- (Greek: an organized structure; pertaining to a specific bodily part with a specific function or set of functions; instrument, tool, implement) (two matching results)
- ped-, -pedia (foot, feet) words: aliped to octoped, part 1 of 2 (two matching results)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: oceanographer to photobiography, part 8 of 11 (one matching result)
- luco-, luc-, luci-, lux, -lucence, -lucent (Latin: light, shine) (one matching result)
- croustico-, crousto-, crusto-, croust-, crust-, kroustico-, krousto-, kroust-, krust- (Greek: to stretch; stretch out; to beat, strike) (one matching result)
- acrido-, acrid-, acris- (Greek: grasshopper) (one matching result)
- phlego-, phleg-(Greek [phlegmatikos] & Latin [phlegmaticus]: heat, inflammation; burn, inflame) (one matching result)
- pedo-, paedo (child, boy) words: pedarchy to ptilopedic, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaur Background Information [plus 2 pix], part 1 of 10 (one matching result)
- arch-, archi-, -arch (chief, principal leader, first in position or rank) words: archabbey to archvillain (one matching result)
- gyno-, gyn- (woman, women, female, females): gynemimetophilia to trigynous, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- phospho-, phosphor- (light, light bringer, shine; morning star) words: dephosphorize to tribophosphoroscope (one matching result)
- pali-; palim-, palin- (Greek: recurrence, repetitious; back, backward, again; returning, repeating) (one matching result)
- philo-, -philia (love, fondness for, attraction to) words: pagophilous to philogynist, part 7 of 10 (one matching result)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: accelerograph to axonography, part 1 of 11 (one matching result)
- -mancy, -mancer (Greek: divination, prophecy) words: halomancy to lychnomancy, part 5 of 9 (one matching result)
- philo-, -philia (love, fondness for, attraction to) words: balneophile to cypripareuniaphile, part 2 of 10 (one matching result)
- aletho-, aleth- (Greek: true; nothing concealed; real [from a-, "no, nothing" and letho-, "forgetfullness, oblivion"]) (one matching result)
- gymno-, gymn- (Greek: naked, nude, uncovered, bare, exposed, unclad, disrobed, undressed) (one matching result)
- techno-, -techny (art, skill, craft): agrotechnology to zymotechnology (one matching result)
- port-, portat- (carry, bring, bear) words: apport-transportation (one matching result)
- vor-, -vorous (eat, eating; consume, ingest) dictionary words: gallivorous to nucivorous, part 2 of 3 (one matching result)
- noci-, noc- (Latin: to injure; injury, trauma; a noxious or deleterious agent or influence) (one matching result)
- aracho-, arachi-, arachid-, araki- (Greek > Latin: legume; peanut) (one matching result)
- acuto-, acu- (sharp, point; needle, pin) dictionary words: acicula to superacute, part 1 of 1 (one matching result)
- physo-, phys- (Greek: breath, wind; pertaining to air or gas; bellows, bladder, bubble; swollen; as seen in many modern scientific terms) (one matching result)
- aello-, aell- (Greek: stormy wind, whirlwind) (one matching result)
- clam-, claim- (talk, call out, speak; shout) words: acclamation to unclaimed (one matching result)
- lipo-, lip- (fat, fatty): lipodystrophy to myolipoma, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- klepto-, clepto-, klept-, clept words: biblioklept to myrmecoclepty (one matching result)
- agra- (Greek > Latin: pertaining to land or fields) (one matching result)
- albo-, alb-, -albify (Latin: the color white) (one matching result)
- Janus words: janiceps to Janus (one matching result)
- chloro-, chlor- (Greek: Chloris, goddess; the color green, yellow-green, or light green) (one matching result)
- mania-, -mania (mental disorder; excessive enthusiasm) words: ecdemiomania to krauomania, part 2 of 4 (one matching result)
- eureka (Greek: "I have found ") (one matching result)
- agrosto-, agrost- (Greek: wild grass; grass) (one matching result)
- acro-, acr- words: acroneurosis to polyacron, part 2 or 2 (one matching result)
- vulpi-, vulp- (Latin: fox) (one matching result)
- phobo-, -phobia (excessive fear; hatred for) words: antlophobia to autophobia, part 3 of 13 (one matching result)
- therap-, -therapy (heal, cure, treatment) dictionary words: radiotherapy to zonetherapy, part 4 of 4 (one matching result)
- -ose (-iose) (one matching result)
- laconi-, lacon- (Latin: concise, abrupt; literally, resembling the style of the Lacedaemonians or Spartans) (one matching result)
- theo-,-theism (God, god, deity) dictionary words: theogamy to theomorphic, part 3 of 4 (one matching result)
- -mancy, -mancer (Greek: divination, prophecy) words: oculomancy to ouranomancy, part 7 of 9 (one matching result)
- bronto-, bront- (Greek: thunder) (one matching result)
- steato-, steat- (Greek: fat; suet, tallow) (one matching result)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: labiograph to nyctograph, part 7 of 11 (one matching result)
- alectryo-, alectryu-, alecto-, alectoro-, alektoro- (Greek: rooster, cock; sometimes, also chicken) (one matching result)
- mania-, -mania (mental disorder; excessive enthusiasm) words: paramania to zoomania, part 4 of 4 (one matching result)
- mater-, matri-, matro- matr- (Latin: mother, mama, mom; mum (British) (one matching result)
- -ine [suffix] (similar to, resembling, like, characterized by, of the nature of) words: absinthine to axine, part 1 of 7 (one matching result)
- Prefixes a-, an- words: asemia to tritanopia, part 4 of 4 (one matching result)
- biblio-, bibl- (book) words: bibliokleptomaniac to unbiblical, part 3 of 3 (one matching result)
- syphilo-, syphil-, syphili-, syphi- (Latin: Syphil[us], the eponymous main character of Girolamo Fracastoro s poem "Syphilus sive Morbus Gallicus" ["Syphilus, or the French Disease"], published at Verona, Italy [1530]) (one matching result)
- pan-, panto- (all, every, entire) words: pan to panic, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- onomato-, onoma-, onomo-, onom-, ono- (Greek: name; word) (one matching result)
- amphora word and the @ symbol (one matching result)
- -crat, -cracy (govern, rule; power) words: albocracy to gynecocracy, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- phobo-, -phobia (excessive fear; hatred for) words: bacillophobia to brontephobia, part 4 of 13 (one matching result)
- calli-, cali-, callo-, calo-, kalli-, kali-, kalo-, kaleido- (Greek: kalos, beautiful) (one matching result)
- phago-, -phagia, -phagy (eat, eating; consume, ingest): acridophage to dysphagia, part 1 of 4 (one matching result)
- potamo-, potam- (Greek: river, stream) (one matching result)
- agora-, -gor- (Greek: assembly, market place; open space, public speaking; originally, "to unite") (one matching result)
- exulans, exulant, exulate words: taxonomic terms (one matching result)
- nebula-, nebul- (Latin: mist, fog, cloud, smoke) (one matching result)
- acid-, -acidity (sour, sharp): acidemia to uricaciduria, part 1 of 1 (one matching result)
- adreno-, adren-, -adrenal- (Latin: glands near the kidneys; Latin ad- plus ren[es] "kidneys") (one matching result)
- auspic-, auspec- (Latin: from auspex [genitive form auspicis] avi-, stem of avis, "bird" plus -spex, "observer", from specere, "to look, observe") (one matching result)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: photochronographr to rupography, part 9 of 11 (one matching result)
- clys (Greek: to wash; washing) (one matching result)
- gram- (write, written) words: grammar to nephrogram, part 2 of 3 (one matching result)
- long-, longi- (Latin: long) (one matching result)
- ampho-, amph-, amphi- (Greek: around, about, both, on both sides of, both kinds) (one matching result)
- acous-, -acoustical words: acusis to telacousis, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- plano- (drifting, wandering, or roaming): angioplany to superplanetary with planet words from Greek and Latin myths (one matching result)
- academ- (Greek > Latin: [originally, Academus Akademus, a name of a hero in Greek mythology; then it became a gymnasium near Athens where Plato taught]) (one matching result)
- gram- (write, written) words: odontogram to xerogram, part 3 of 3 (one matching result)
- -suchus (crocodile) dictionary words: Mandasuchus to Youngosuchus, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- sal-, sali- (salt) dictionary words: cum grano salis to soused, part 1 of 1 (one matching result)
- Plankton words: acroplankton to phytioplankton, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- verbo-, verb- (word) dictionary words: adverb to verbal [plus one pix], part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- cyprido-, cyprid-, cypri-, cyprid-, (Greek: Kyris, a name for Venus or Aphrodite; lewd or licentious woman) (one matching result)
- epi-, ep- [before vowels or "h"] (Greek: above, over, on, upon; besides; in addition to; toward; among; used as a prefix) (one matching result)
- antho-, anth-, anthero-, anther-, -antherous, -anthemous, -anthic, -anthous, -anthus, -anthy (Greek: flower; that which buds or sprouts) (one matching result)
- tri-(three, thrice, threefold) dictionary words: tritagonist to trixenous, part 4 of 4 (one matching result)
- Mercury, planet and messenger of the gods, words from Greek and Latin myths (one matching result)
- philo-, -philia (love, fondness for, attraction to) words: philology to pyroxylophilous, part 8 of 10 (one matching result)
- domo-, dom-, domato-, domat- (Greek > Latin: house, home ["master, lord" of the house]) (one matching result)
- Saturn, Roman god of the harvest and a planet, words from myths (one matching result)
- andro-, andr- (man, men, male, masculine; also, stamen) words: adynamandrous to andron, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- biblio-, bibl- (book) words: biblioklept to monastery-library thefts, part 2 of 3 (one matching result)
- serv- (Latin: safe; to save, saved, preserved; from servare) (one matching result)
- arcto-, arct- (Greek: of the bear, bear [the animal]; or the north, northern) (one matching result)
- broma- (food) words: abros to bromatotoxin (one matching result)
- alexo-, alex-, alexi- (Greek: defend, protect, ward off, keep off) (one matching result)
- stegano- (Greek: covered, to cover) (one matching result)
- somni-, somno-, somn-, -somnia, -somniac (Latin: sleep; dream) (one matching result)
- gods and goddesses from Latin and Greek myths: words from mythology (one matching result)
- phobo-, -phobia (excessive fear; hatred for) words: nebulaphobia to oxyphobous, part 9 of 13 (one matching result)
- duct-, -duction (to lead, lead, leading, bring, take, draw) vocabulary words: abduce to conduit, part 1 of 4 (one matching result)
- bentho-, benth- (deep, depth; sea bottom) words: abyssobenthic to zoobenthos (one matching result)
- hypno-, hypn- (sleep) words: hypnomania to posthypnosis, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- mal- words (bad, badly, harsh, wrong; ill; evil; abnormal, defective) words: malabsorption to malversation (one matching result)
- arena [harena], areni- (Latin: sand, sandy place, sea-shore; place of combat [literally, "place strewn with sand"]) (one matching result)
- cythero-, cyther- (Greek: Kytheria; another name for Venus or Aphrodite) (one matching result)
- libr-, libel (Latin: book; originally, the "inner bark of a tree", whence "the text written on this", "collection of leaves for writing", and finally "book") (one matching result)
- dic-, dict- (talk, speak, say) wods: abdicant to vindictive (one matching result)