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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- Chemical Elements words: scandium to thorium, part 7 of 8 (two matching results)
- -arian (Latin: a suffix; a person who, a thing that; a person who is a part of something, pertaining to one s state or condition) (two matching results)
- vir-, viri-, virtu-(Latin: man, manliness; manhood; husband) (one matching result)
- gods and goddesses from Latin and Greek myths: words from mythology (one matching result)
- frica-, frict-, -frice (Latin: a rubbing, rub) (one matching result)
- -ese (Latin: names of nations or their language) (one matching result)
- tendo-, tens (stretch, tension) dictionary words: atonic to monotonous, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- domo-, dom-, domato-, domat- (Greek > Latin: house, home ["master, lord" of the house]) (one matching result)
- multi-, mult- (many, much) words: multangular to multungulate (one matching result)
- bio-, bi- (life; living, live, alive) words: biophysics to biopyoculture, part 12 of 20 (one matching result)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: dactyliography to etymography, part 4 of 11 (one matching result)
- -mancy, -mancer (Greek: divination, prophecy) words: Background Information (one matching result)
- bio-, bi- (life; living, live, alive) words (one matching result)
- pan-, panto- (all, every, entire) words: pan to panic, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- -mancy, -mancer (Greek: divination, prophecy) words: dactyliomancy to gyromancy, part 4 of 9 (one matching result)