Click on the elements of interest for more details,
or make a new query .
The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- obeso-, obes- (Latin: fat, corpulent) (five matching results)
- adipo-, adip- (fat, lard, fleshy): adipis to hyperadiposis (five matching results)
- pimelo-, pimel-, pimele- (Greek: [soft] fat) (three matching results)
- pneo-, -pnea, -pneic, -pnoea, -pnoeic, -pneo (Greek: air, wind; breathing) (two matching results)
- pio-, pi-, pion- (Greek: fat) (two matching results)
- Capnophobia, Fear of Smoking, part 3 of 4 (one matching result)
- iatro-, -iatria (physician; heal, cure, treat; medical healing): aniatros to iatrogenesis, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- poly- (many, much; excessive) words: polymastia to polyzoan, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- baro-, bary- (weight, heavy; pressure) words: abarognosis to thermobarograph (one matching result)
- biblio-, bibl- (book) words: Bible to bibliography, part 1 of 3 (one matching result)
- lipo-, lip- (fat, fatty): adenolipoma to lipodology, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)