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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- sphinctero-, sphincter- (Greek > Latin: that which binds tightly, press together; band, lace; hence, muscle that closes an aperture of the body; a ringlike band of muscle fibers that constricts a passage or closes a natural orifice) (three matching results)
- urethro-, urethr- (Greek: urethra, a slitlike tube conveying urine from the internal urethral orifice of the bladder) (one matching result)
- poro-, por-, pori- (Greek > Latin > Old French: passageway, used primarily as "a pore, a small orifice"; opening; cavity, tract) (one matching result)
- algesi-, -algia (pain, sense of pain; painful; hurting) words: neogamalgia, and xiphoidalgia, part 3 of 3 (one matching result)
- pyl-, pyle- (Greek: door, gate, entrance; orifice) (one matching result)
- oleo-, ole-, -oleic, ol- (Greek > Latin: [olive] oil; fat) (one matching result)
- aero-, aer- (air, mist, wind) words: aero-odontalgia to aura, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- os-, or- os [singular], ora [plural] (Latin: mouth) (one matching result)
- fac-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, fic-, -fy, facil- (Latin: make, do, build, cause, produce; forming, shaping) (one matching result)
- algesi-, -algia (pain, sense of pain; painful; hurting) words: acromelagia to xiphoidalgia, A-X (one matching result)
- pyloro-, pylor-, pylori- (Greek: gatekeeper; lower gastric orifice through which the contents of the stomach enter the duodenum) (one matching result)
- ora-, or-, orat- (Latin: talk, speak, say; mouth, face; opening, entrance) (one matching result)