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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- veri-, ver- (Latin: true, truth, real, truthfulness) (six matching results)
- -onym, -nym (name) words: acronym to typonym (four matching results)
- oxy- (sharp, pointed, keen; acidic, pungent) words: oxymora to paroxysm, part 2 of 2 (two matching results)
- drama- (Greek > Late Latin: to do, to accomplish) (two matching results)
- sensi-, sensi- (feeling, perceptions through the senses) dictionary words: aftersensation to sensitization, part 1 of 2 (two matching results)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: photochronographr to rupography, part 9 of 11 (two matching results)
- Cremation of Sam McGee Poem (two matching results)
- etym- (Greek: truth, true meaning, real [the root meaning, true meaning or literal meaning of a word]) (one matching result)
- Capnophobia, Fear of Smoking words, part 2 of 4 (one matching result)
- croustico-, crousto-, crusto-, croust-, crust-, kroustico-, krousto-, kroust-, krust- (Greek: to stretch; stretch out; to beat, strike) (one matching result)
- psych-, psycho- (mind, mental process, life, soul, spirit) dictionary words: psychogeriatric to psychomotility, part 5 of 7 (one matching result)
- vor-, -vorous (eat, eating; consume, ingest) dictionary words: algivorous to fungivorous, part 1 of 3 (one matching result)
- phago-, -phagia, -phagy (eat, eating; consume, ingest): acridophage to dysphagia, part 1 of 4 (one matching result)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaur Background Information [plus 2 pix], part 1 of 10 (one matching result)
- soli-, sol- (Latin: one, alone, only) (one matching result)
- fa-,-fess (talk, speak, say, spoken about) words: affability to professor (one matching result)
- libra-, liber- (balance, level, even): deliberate to libration (one matching result)
- Cyber (helmsman, governor) words: biocybernetics to cyborg (one matching result)
- palli-, pallio, pallit- (Latin: mantle, covering; cloak) (one matching result)
- -mancy, -mancer (Greek: divination, prophecy) words: oculomancy to ouranomancy, part 7 of 9 (one matching result)
- vexill- (Latin: flag, standard) (one matching result)
- domo-, dom-, domato-, domat- (Greek > Latin: house, home ["master, lord" of the house]) (one matching result)
- phono-, -phonia- (sound, voice, speech) words: phonodynamograph to phony, part 4 of 5 (one matching result)
- biblio-, bibl- (book) words: biblioklept to monastery-library thefts, part 2 of 3 (one matching result)
- chrono-, chron- (time) words: achronism to chronotropism, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- verbo-, verb- (word) dictionary words: verbal agraphia to verbum sap , part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- aletho-, aleth- (Greek: true; nothing concealed; real [from a-, "no, nothing" and letho-, "forgetfullness, oblivion"]) (one matching result)
- bronto-, bront- (Greek: thunder) (one matching result)
- chondro-, chondr-, chrondrio-, chondri-, -chondriac, -chondrias, -chondromatous, -chondroma, -chondromas, -chondromata (Greek: groat, grain, any small rounded mass; cartilage, gristle, granule, or a relationship to cartilage) (one matching result)
- -agogue, -agog (lead, bring, take) words: agogic to xenagogy (one matching result)
- techno-, -techny (art, skill, craft): agrotechnology to zymotechnology (one matching result)
- nom-, nomen- (name) words: agnomen to trinomialism (one matching result)
- chrono-, chron- (time) words: dendrochronology to tephrochronology, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- philo-, -philia (love, fondness for, attraction to) words: tandentrophilist to zoophilous, part 10 of 10 (one matching result)