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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- stegano- (Greek: covered, to cover) (one matching result)
- bio-, bi- (life; living, live, alive) words: biometrics to bionomics, part 10 of 20 (one matching result)
- -onym, -nym (name) words: acronym to typonym (one matching result)
- narco-, narc-, -narcotic, narcotico-, -narcosis, -narcoticism (Greek: numbness, dullness; sleep, stupor, torpor; benumb, deaden) (one matching result)
- robor-, rob- (strengthening, invigorate) dictionary words: corroborant to unrobust, part 1 of 1 (one matching result)
- gyno-, gyn- (woman, women, female, females): gynemimetophilia to trigynous, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- peri- (Greek: around, about, near, enclosing; used as a prefix) (one matching result)
- luna, luni-, lun-, lunu- (Latin: moon, light, shine) (one matching result)
- algesi-, -algia (pain, sense of pain; painful; hurting) words: acromelagia to audioanalgesia, part 1 of 3 (one matching result)
- psych-, psycho- (mind, mental process, life, soul, spirit) dictionary words: allopsychic to neuropsychosis, part 1 of 7 (one matching result)
- syn-(sy-, sym-, syl-, sys-) (one matching result)
- phono-, -phonia- (sound, voice, speech) words: phonodynamograph to phony, part 4 of 5 (one matching result)
- philo-, -philia (love, fondness for, attraction to) words: abrakophile to autophilous, part 1 of 10 (one matching result)
- bio-, bi- (life; living, live, alive) words (one matching result)
- algesi-, -algia (pain, sense of pain; painful; hurting) words: acromelagia to xiphoidalgia, A-X (one matching result)