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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- -olatry, -olatrous (worship) words: angelolatry to zoolatry (77 matching results)
- theo-,-theism (God, god, deity) dictionary words: allotheism to ochlotheocracy, part 1 of 4 (four matching results)
- ichthyo-, ichthy-, -ichth- (fish) words: ichthyarchy to ichthytaxidermy (two matching results)
- gyno-, gyn- (woman, women, female, females): gynemimetophilia to trigynous, part 2 of 2 (two matching results)
- theo-,-theism (God, god, deity) dictionary words: panentheism to theody, part 2 of 4 (two matching results)
- theo-,-theism (God, god, deity) dictionary words: theogamy to theomorphic, part 3 of 4 (two matching results)
- sanct- (Latin: sacred, holy) (two matching results)
- -agogue, -agog (lead, bring, take) words: agogic to xenagogy (two matching results)
- ophio-, ophi-, -ophid, ophidio-, -ophidia, -ophis (Greek: snake, serpent) (two matching results)
- stauro-, staur- (Greek: upright stake; hence, "rood, cross"; cross-shaped, crosslike, crossed) (one matching result)
- logo-, log-, -logia (word, talk, speech, speak; word) words: alogia to logomancy, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- idio-, idi- (peculiar, personal, private) words: idiobiology to idioneural, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- psych-, psycho- (mind, mental process, life, soul, spirit) dictionary words: psychogeriatric to psychomotility, part 5 of 7 (one matching result)
- plano- (drifting, wandering, or roaming): angioplany to superplanetary with planet words from Greek and Latin myths (one matching result)
- priap- (Greek, Priapos > Latin Priapus: god of procreation shown with a large penis; by extension, it means "penis") (one matching result)
- anthropo-, anthrop-, -anthrope, -anthropic, -anthropical, -anthropically, -anthropism, -anthropist, -anthropoid, -anthropus, -anthropy (Greek: man; human being, mankind [including male and female members of the human race], people) (one matching result)
- theo-,-theism (God, god, deity) dictionary words: theonomy to zootheology, part 4 of 4 (one matching result)
- dendro-, dendr-, dendri-, -dendria, -dendrite, -dendritic, -dendra, -dendron (Greek: tree, tree-like structure) (one matching result)
- stratio-, strati-, strato-, strat- stratus (Latin: horizontal layer; "stretched, spread out"; layer, cloud layer) (one matching result)
- pan-, panto- (all, every, entire) words: panimmunity to panzootic, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- heno-, hen- (Greek: one; used as a prefix) (one matching result)
- zoo-, -zoon (animal, living being; life) dictionary words: zoophile to zooxanthella, part 5 of 5 (one matching result)
- vexill- (Latin: flag, standard) (one matching result)
- Saturn, Roman god of the harvest and a planet, words from myths (one matching result)
- gram- (write, written) words: grammar to nephrogram, part 2 of 3 (one matching result)
- vot- (Latin: vow, affirm; from votum) (one matching result)
- terato-, terata-, terat-, tera- (Greek > Latin: marvel, omen, monster; malformation) (one matching result)
- verbo-, verb- (word) dictionary words: verbal agraphia to verbum sap , part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- thaumato-, thaumat- (Greek: wonder, wondrous thing; miracle; a thing to look at; sight, spectacle) (one matching result)
- tempo-, tempor- (Latin: time, occasion) (one matching result)
- gods and goddesses from Latin and Greek myths: words from mythology (one matching result)
- gyno-, gyn- (woman, women, female, females) words: acrogynous to gynemimism, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- dei-, div- (Latin: God, god [deity, divine nature]) (one matching result)
- pluto-, plut- (Greek: wealth, wealthy, rich) (one matching result)
- vener-, venari- (Latin: love, sexual desire, loveliness, beauty, attractiveness, charm; by extension "to reverence, worship, venerate") (one matching result)
- poly- (many, much; excessive) words: polyacanthous to polylogy, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- therio-, -theria (animal, wild beast) dictionary words: arsinoitherium to Titanothere [plus 4 pix], part 1 of 1 (one matching result)
- pater-, patri-, -patria (father, dad; fatherland, country) words: allopatric to sympatria (one matching result)
- necro-, necr- (dead, death): adiponecrosis to thrombonecrosis (one matching result)