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Chemistry Words: “agrichemical” to “thermochemistry”

Words from chemo-, chem-, chemico-, chemi-
(Arabic > Greek > Latin: the art of combining base metals [to make gold]; from Greek, chemia, “Egypt”, supposedly where the art of changing metals into gold existed)

Science is facts; just as houses are made of stones, so is science made of facts; but a pile of stones is not a house and a collection of facts is not necessarily science.

-Henri Poincaré

agrichemical: A chemical used or produced in agriculture.

agrochemical: A chemical used in agriculture; especially, a biologically active one such as a weedkiller or a fungicide.

alchemist: One who studies or practices alchemy.

alchemy: The chemistry of the Middle Ages and 16th century; now applied distinctively to the pursuit of the transmutation of baser metals into gold, which (with the search for the alkahest, or universal solvent; and the panacea, or universal remedy) constituted the chief practical object of early chemistry. Via Old French alquemie and medieval Latin alchimia from Arabic al-kimya, “the chemistry”, ultimately from Greek khemeia.

allelochemic: A secondary substance produced by an organism that has the effect of modifying the growth, behavior or population dynamics of other species, often having an inhibitory or regulatory effect.

biochemistry: The science dealing with the substances present in living organisms and with their relation to each other and to the life of the organism; biological or physiological chemistry.

The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

-Eden Phillpots

biogeochemistry: The branch of biochemistry that deals with the relation of chemicals found in the soil to living organisms; the biological application of geochemistry.

chemexfoliation: A chemosurgical technique designed to remove acne scars or treat chronic skin changes caused by exposure to sunlight.

chemical: 1. Of or relating to the science of chemistry or to the properties or actions of chemicals. 2. Any substance having a defined molecular composition.

chemically: 1. According to chemistry or its laws. 2. By a chemical process.

chemicobiology, chemicobiological: The chemistry of living matter.

chemigraphy: In graphic arts, any of various nonphotographic chemical processes used to make etchings or engravings.

chemiluminescence, chemiluminescent, chemoluminescence, chemoluminescent: In physical chemistry, any process in which a chemical reaction produces visible light without a corresponding increase in temperature; for example, bioluminescence, such as the light generated by fireflies, is a form of chemiluminescence.

chemism: 1. Chemical activity. 2. A chemical property or relationship.

chemist: A scientist who specializes in chemistry; another term for a pharmacist, especially in British use.

chemistry: The science that deals with the composition, structure, properties, interactions, and transformations of matter. The two main subdivisions of chemistry are organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry; other important branches include biochemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical chemistry.

chemoattractants: Chemical substances that influence the migration of cells.

chemoautotroph: 1. A microorganism that can derive the energy required for growth from oxidation of inorganic compounds such as hydrogen sulfide or ammonia. 2. Any autotrophic bacteria or protozoan that is not involved in the process of photosynthesis. 3. An organism that depends on chemicals for its energy and principally on carbon dioxide for its carbon.

chemoautotrophic: A reference to microorganisms that obtain metabolic energy by the oxidation of inorganic substrates, such as sulphur, nitrogen, or iron; chemotrophic.

chemobiodynamics: Study devoted to elucidation of correlations between the chemical constitution of various materials and their ability to modify the function and morphology of biological systems.

chemobiotic: Having a combination of therapeutic properties for chemotherapeutic and antibiotic objectives.

chemocautery, chemocautry: 1. In surgery, the cauterization of tissue by applying a caustic-chemical substance. Any substance that destroys tissue upon application.

chemocline: The boundary zone in a lake between the deep stagnant water (monimolimnion) and the overlying region of freely circulating water (mixolimnion).

chemocoagulation: In surgery, the coagulation of tissue by applying chemicals.

chemofacies: In geology, the chemical elements tat are collected or absorbed within aqueous bottom muds.

chemokinesis, chemokinetic: 1. In immunology, an increased random migratory activity of cells produced by a chemical agent. 2. A change of linear or angular velocity in response to a chemical stimulus.

In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs.

-Sir William Osler

chemolithotrophic, chemolithotroph, chemolithotrophy: A reference to organisms that obtain energy from oxidation/reduction reactions and use inorganic electron donors.

chemolysis: Chemical decomposition.

chemomorphosis: Chemically induced change in form or developmental stage.

chemonasty, chemonastic: A response to a diffuse chemical stimulus; a change in the structure or position of an organ in response to a diffuse chemical stimulus.

chemoorganotrophic, chemoorganotroph: 1. Used of organisms that obtain energy from oxidation/reduction reactions and use organic electron donors; chemoheterotrophic. 2. An organism that depends on organic chemicals for its energy and carbon.

chemoprevention: The use of a chemical substance to forestall the contraction of a disease or to stop the progress of a disease.

chemoprophylaxis: The avoidance of the development or spread of a certain disease by administering a chemical agent.

chemopsychiatry: 1. A psychiatric term intended to designate the application and effect of chemical substances in psychiatry. 2. The branch of psychiatry that deals with the use and effects of chemical agents, particularly psychopharmacologic agents affecting brain function and behavior.

chemoreception: The action of the sense organs that respond to chemical stimulation, including the organs for taste (gustation) and smell (olfaction).

chemoreceptor, chemoceptor: 1. Any of a group of receptors in the carotid sinus and the aorta that are sensitive to changes in blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and that have an effect on the rate and depth of breathing as well as on the heart rate. 2. Any neuroreceptor that responds to specific chemical stimuli.

chemoreflex: A reflex caused by chemical stimulus.

chemoresistance: 1. Specific resistance by cells to the action of chemicals. 2. The resistance, exhibited by certain tumors and tissues, to destruction by chemotherapeutic drugs.

chemosensory: In biology, sensitive to chemical stimuli; applies to certain hairs in insects, and to other chemoreceptors.

chemosphere: The portion of the earth's atmosphere, 30-80 km above the surface, where chemical (especially photochemical) activity is most intense. It encompasses the stratosphere, the mesophere, and possibly a part of the thermosphere.

chemostat: A device that permits cultivation of microbes under constant conditions by providing inflow of medium and outflow of culture at the same rate, the density of the growth being set by some limiting nutrient.

chemosterilant: A chemical that is used to control insect plant pests by precluding their reproduction without affecting their life span or mating behaviors.

chemosterilization: Reproductive sterilization of noxious pests, especially insects, by chemical means.

chemosynthesis, chemosynthetic: 1. The use of inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide to synthesize carbohydrates from energy released by chemical reactions rather than by absorbed light. 2. The synthesis of organic compounds using chemical energy derived from the oxidation of simple inorganic substrates.

chemotactic: Of or relating to chemotaxis.

chemotaxigen: Any substance that facilitates the formation of an agent that is chemotactic for cells.

chemotaxis: 1. In biology, the movement of a cell or organism toward or away from a chemical substance. 2. In immunology, the movement of granulocytes or macrophages to higher concentrations of agents known as cytotaxins.

chemotaxonomy: In botany, the process and methods of classifying plants based on a chemical analysis of their products.

chemotherapeutic: Of, relating to, or used in chemotherapy.

chemotherapy: The treatment of a disease with chemicals or drugs; used especially in reference in the treatment of cancer with chemicals.

chemotroph: Any organism that creates its principal energy source by oxidizing organic or inorganic compounds.

chemotrophy: The bending of a plant or plant organ in response to a chemical stimulus.

Science is a flickering light in our darkness, it is but the only one we have and woe to him who would put it out.

-Morris Cohen

chemotropic: Relating to or exhibiting chemotropism; tending to move toward or away from a chemical stimulus.

chemotropism: 1. The tendency of an organism or part of an organism to bend toward or away from a chemical stimulus. 2. An orientation response to a chemical stimulus.

chemozoophobous, chemozoophobe: A reference to plants that protect themselves from herbivorous animals by the production of noxious chemical substances (allelochemics).

chemurgy, chemurgic: An area of chemistry that is involved with the use of raw, organic, and previously unused agricultural substances to produce new, nonfood products such as varnishes and paints.

histochemistry: The chemistry of body tissues.

iatrochemist: A member of the iatrochemical school.

iatrochemistry, iatrochemical, chemiatry: The study of chemistry in relation to physiologic and pathologic processes, and the treatment of disease by chemical substance as practiced by a school of medical thought in the 17th century.

thermochemistry: 1. The study of chemical changes and energies as they are affected by heat. 2. The use of chemicals in treating or preventing disease; based on their effect on the causative agent.