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Grapho- Words Meaning Write, Record: “photochronograph” to “rupography”,
Part 9 of 11.

Words that include: grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy,
-grapher, -graphia
(Greek: to scratch; write, record, draw, describe).

The scribe points out the etymology theme of writing elements.

photochronograph, photochronography:
1. An instrument for taking a series of instantaneous photographs at regular short intervals of time; also, each of the photographs so taken.
2. An instrument by which a beam of light is caused to produce a photographic image at some precise instance of time, e.g. so as to show the exact time at which a star crosses the meridian.
One who takes photographs.
photography, photograph, photographic:
The process or art of producing pictures by means of the chemical action of light on a sensitive film on a basis of paper, glass, metal, etc.; the business of producing and printing such pictures.
The art or process of taking photographs of the sun.
A device for moving film at a constant speed so that a continuous record of a physiologic event may be obtained, as by a beam of light shining on the film.
The art or process of producing, by photography, designs upon lithographic stone (or a similar substance), from which prints may be taken as in ordinary lithography; especially, a planographic printing process using plates prepared from photographic negatives, usually printed by offset methods.
A technique for investigating and recording conditions and procedures involving small objects that ordinarily would be inspected through a loupe rather than a microscope.
1. The art of obtaining photographs of microscopic objects on a magnified scale.
2. An enlarged photograph of an object viewed with a microscope, as distinguished from a microphotograph.
The process of taking a succession of simultaneous photographs of a cloud from two points at some distance apart, in order to ascertain the height and movement of the cloud.
phraseography, phraseograph:
A phrase that can be represented by a phraseogram (a character or symbol, as in shorthand, that represents a phrase).
physiography, physiograph:
A description of nature or of natural phenomena.
A written description of the geographical distribution of plants.
A written description of plants; descriptive botany.
pictography, pictograph, pictographic:
1. The use of pictorial symbols to communicate; picture writing with symbols that may be either ideographic or phonetic in function.
2. A vision test chart for illiterates.
A written description of the planets.
pneumarthrography, pneumoarthrography:
Radiographic examination of a joint following the introduction of air, with or without another contrast medium.
1. Spirit-writing, i.e. writing alleged to be done directly by a disembodied spirit, without the hand of a medium or any material instrument.
2. A description of supposed spiritual beings, or of beliefs about them; the descriptive part of pneumatology.
1. A description of the lungs.
2. The recording of respiratory (breathing) movements, as with a pneumograph.
3. The radiography of tissues into which air or oxygen has been introduced.
Generic term for any device that records respiratory excursions from movements on the body surface; e.g., an impedance pneumograph, which applies the principles of impedance plethysmography (measuring and recording changes in volume) to the chest.
pneumotachography, pneumotachograph:
An apparatus for recording the rate of air flow during breathing. Also shortened to pneumotach.
A device for taking an outline at the foot and an imprint of the sole.
polyautography, polyautograph, polyautographic:
An early name for lithography as applied to the production of numerous copies of autographs or original drawings.
polygraphy, polygraph, polygraphic:
1. An apparatus, on the principle of the pantograph, for producing two or more identical drawings or writings simultaneously.
2. An instrument for obtaining tracings of movements in various parts of the body; a myograph.
3. An instrument for recording changes in respiration, blood pressure, galvanic skin response, and other physiological changes while the person is questioned about some matter or asked to give associations to relevant and irrelevant words; the physiological changes are presumed to be indicators of emotional reactions, and thus whether the person is telling the truth.
4. In cryptography, a group of two or more letters.
5. In phonetics, a group of three or more letters expressing a simple sound of speech.
Simultaneous and continuous monitoring of relevant normal and abnormal physiological activity during sleep.
An instrument for recording graphically the progressive fatigue of a contracting muscle.
Someone who writes about prostitutes or obscene matters; a portrayer of obscene subjects.
A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
pornography, pornograph, pornographic:
1. Description of the life, manners, etc., of prostitutes and their patrons; hence, the expression or suggestion of obscene or unchaste subjects in literature or art; pornographic literature or art.
2. Also qualified by hard or soft core to denote pornography of a more, or less, obscene kind.
protography, protograph:
A first or original writing.
protoseismography, protoseismograph:
The process and instrument for recording the beginning or first trace of an earthquake shock.
pseudagraphia, pseudographia:
1. Partial agraphia in which one can do no original writing, but can copy correctly.
2. The writing of meaningless symbols or signs.
pseudepigrapha, pseudepigraphal:
A collective term for books or writings bearing a false title, or ascribed to another than the true author; spurious writings; specifically applied to certain Jewish writings composed about the beginning of the Christian era, but ascribed to various patriarchs and prophets of the Old Testament.
A spurious writing; a literary work purporting to be by another than the real author.
The writing of words falsely, i.e. not according to the sound, or not according to usage; false, incorrect, or bad spelling; an instance of this.
psychography, psychobiography:
1. The history, description, or delineation of the mind or soul, or of mind in the abstract; the descriptive branch of psychology.
2. Supposed spirit-writing by the hand or intervention of a medium.
3. The literary characterization of an individual, real or fictional, that uses psychoanalytical and psychological categories and theories; a psychological biography or character description.
A written description of ferns.
The written description of feathers or plumage.
pyretography, pyretograph, pyretographic:
A written description of fevers.
pyrography, pyrograph, pyrographic:
1. A method of wood-carving with heated metallic plates or cylinders in relief, by which the design is burned into the substance of the wood.
2. The art of making drawings or designs on wood, bone, etc. by means of a heated metallic point.
Taking a motion picture of the movements of organs or other structures as revealed by an x-ray fluoroscopic examination.
Examination of any part of the body for diagnostic purposes by means of x-rays with the record of the findings usually impressed upon a photographic film. Also: roentgenography.
reprography, reprographic:
The reproduction of something printed, e.g., by offset printing, microfilming, photography, or xerography.
Radiography of the kidney.
The art of taking an impression of a coin or medal upon sealing wax.