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Phreno Words: “aphrenia” to “schizophrenia”,
Part 1 of 1

Words that include: phreno-, phren-, phreni-, phrenico-, phrenic-, -phrenia, -phrenic, -phrenically
(Greek: mind, brain; the midriff or the diaphragm; the phrenic nerve)

aphrenia, aphrenous:
An early term for insane.
A person with a superior intellect.
Superior thinking or intellect.
bradyphrenia; bradyphrasia:
Slowness in thinking; a sluggish mentality.
cacophrenia, cacophrenic:
Bad or dysfunctional thinking.
costophrenia, costophrenic:
A reference to the diaphragm and the ribs.
gastrophrenia, gastrophrenic:
A reference to the stomach and to the diaphragm.
hebeophrenia, hebephreniac, hebephrenic:
1. Disorganized schizophrenia.
2. A form of insanity incident to the age of puberty.
3. Applied to the insanity of pubescence.
1. Excessive mental activity, such as that which occurs in the manic phase of manic-depressive psychosis or in the severe preoccupations associated with the psychoneuroses.
2. Intellectual capacity far above the average.
idiophrenia, idiophrenic:
1. A form of insanity that is caused by disease of the brain itself; organic brain disease.
2. Originating in one’s own mind; psychogenic; delirium.
oligophrenia, oligophrenic:
paraphrenia, paraphrenic:
1. Severe paranoid illness without deterioration of other cognitive or affective processes.
2. The most common usage of the term today is to denote a disorder characterized by phantastic, absurd, paralogical delusions without deterioration, dementia, or loss of contact with reality except in the area of the delusional system.
3. In paranoid schizophrenia, on the other hand, there is deterioration and splitting off of many of the psychic functions, while in paranoia the delusions are so logical, at least on the surface, as to appear to be little more than an extension of the premorbid personality.
1. Mental derangement in general.
2. A reference to inflammation of the diaphragm, formerly thought to be invariably accompanied by delirium; hence applied to delirium supposed to be so produced.
1. Pain in the diaphragm.
2. An acute mental distress; psychalgia; melancholia.
An obsolete term for mental retardation; feeble-mindedness.
An obsolete term for atrophy of the brain.
An obsolete term for encphalitis.
1. Delirious; mentally deranged; insane.
2. Affected with excessive excitement or enthusiasm, especially in religious matters; furious; frantic; fanatic.
An obsolete term for phrenology and hypnosis.
phreniatry, phreniatria, phreniatric:
A reference to the treatment and cure of mental disorders.
phrenic, phrenics:
1. Referring to or affecting the diaphragm; diaphragmatic.
2. Pertaining to, or relating to, the mind.
3. That branch of science which relates to the mind; psychology.
phrenicectomy, phrenectomy:
Surgical removal or destruction of a section of a phrenic nerve; formerly carried out as an alternative to phrenicotomy.
phreniclasia, phreniclasis; phrenemphraxis; phrenicotripsy:
Crushing of the phrenic nerve with a clamp to produce temporary paralysis of the diphragm.
Relating to the diaphragm and the stomach.
Relating to the diaphragm and the glottis; denoting a spasm involving the diaphragm and the vocal cords.
Incision of the phrenic nerve in order to induce unilateral paralysis of the diaphragm, which is then pushed up by the abdominal viscera in order to exert compression upon a diseased lung.
An obsolete term for brain fever.
An obsolete term for encephalitis.
1. Inflammation of the brain or of its membranes, attended with delirium and fever; brain fever.
2. In Hippocrates’ classification, acute mental disease with fever. The other classes were mania (acute mental disease without fever); melancholia (chronic mental disturbances of various kinds, not limited to mood disorders); epilepsy (approximately the same as in current use); hysteria (somatoform disturbances, especially paroxysmic dyspnea, pain, and convulsions); and Scythian disease (transvestitism).
Frenzy; rage.
An obsolete term for dementia.
phrenocardia; cardiophrenia:
Precordial pain and dyspnea of psychogenic origin, often a symptom of anxiety neurosis.
A reference to both the diaphragm and the colon.
Pain in the diaphragm.
Pertaining to the diaphragm and the stomach.
A reference to the diaphragm and the glottis (tongue); denoting a spasm involving the diaphragm and the vocal cords.
The curve or tracing made by a phrenograph.
1. An instrument for recording the movements of the diaphragm in respiration.
2. A phrenological description or “chart“ of a person’s mental characteristics.
phrenohepatic; phrenicohepatic:
A reference to the diaphragm and the liver.
One who practices phrenology.
To produce “bumps” or protuberances (on the head) with blows (hitting).
1. The theory, popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, that mental faculties or character) could be determined by the location of bumps and other topographical features on the skull; therefore, a bump here might indicate intelligence, a bump there, willpower, etc.
2. The scientific study or theory of mental faculties.
An obsolete term for collapse delirium; delirious mania.
The dulling of the senses or intellect; a state of stupor.
phrenopathy, phrenopathia, phrenopathic:
1. An obsolete term for disorder or disease of the mind.
A rare term that refers to the suppression and/or liquidation of those whose personalities and convictions are incompatible with or nonconforming to existing authoritarian standards.
An irrational fear of thinking, or of losing one’s mind.
phrenoplegia, phrenoplegy; phrenoparalysis:
1. Diaphragmtic paralysis.
2. Sudden failing of the mind; derangement or disturbance of mental balance.
A clinical syndrome known in the early part of the 19th century as ecstasy (a trance state in which ideas of dedication and complete surrender occupy almost the entire field of consciousness).
One of the many terms used to describe the drugs that have an action on the mind or psyche; namely, the tranquilizers, ataractics, psychotropics, etc.
phrenoptosis, phrenoptosia:
Downward displacement of the diaphragm.
An obsolete term for sound-mindedness.
Spasm of the diaphragm, as when hiccuping.
A reference to the connection of the diaphragm and the spleen.
1. Affecting or working through the mind or brain.
2. Exerting its principal effect upon the mind.
3. The term is usually used to describe certain pharmacologic agents, such as psychotomimetics, tranquilizers, and energizers, that have an effect on mental processes.
phrenzy, frenzy:
1. Mental derangement; delirium, or temporary insanity; in later use chiefly the uncontrollable rage or excitement of paroxysm of mania.
2. Agitation or disorder of the mind likened to madness; a state of delirious fury, rage, enthusiasm, or the like; also, wild folly, distraction, craziness.
3. A crazy notion or wild idea; also, a craze or mania for something.
4. Inflammation of the brain.
preschizophrenia, preschizophrenic:
A reference to the period prior to the onset of schizophrenia; such as, a person showing symptoms similar to those observed prior to schizophrenia.
Impairment of mental faculties characteristic of old age.
schizophrenia, schizophrenic:
1. A severe psychiatric disorder with symptoms of emotional instability, detachment from reality, often with delusions and hallucinations, and withdrawal into the self.
2. The term schizophrenia was introduced in 1911 by Eugen Bleuler because neither early onset nor terminal deterioration is an essential feature of the mental disease. Bleuler described the schizophrenias as a slowly progressive deterioration of the entire personality, which involves mainly the affective life, and expresses itself in disorder of feeling, thought and conduct, and a tendency to withdraw from reality.
3. A mental disorder occurring in various forms, all characterized by a breakdown in the relation between thoughts, feelings, and actions; usually with a withdrawal from social activities and the occurrence of delusions and hallucinations.
3. An offensive term for contradictory or conflicting attitudes, behavior, or qualities.