Scrib, Script Words: adscript to typescriptscrib-, script-, -scribe, -scription, -scriptive (Latin: write, record).![]() adscript:
Rarely, but sometimes is used in place of ascribe and subscribe.
ascribe, ascription:
1. To write into; to add to a writing, register, list, etc.
2. To annex or add in writing; to subscribe. bescribble:
To write in a scrawling hand; to scribble, to scribble on.
1. To draw a line around; to encompass with (or as with) a bounding line, to form the boundary of, to bound.
2. To mark out or lay down the limits of; to enclose within limits, limit, bound, confine (usually figuratively); especially, to confine within narrow limits, to restrict the free or extended action of, to hem in, restrain, abridge. circumscription:
1. A boundary or outline; a limitation or restriction.
2. An inscription around a coin, medal, etc. conscribe:
To enroll, levy (an army); to enlist (a soldier).
1. To enroll for compulsory service in the armed forces; draft into the military.
2. To force (labor, capital, etc.) into service for the government. conscripted:
A draftee; one who is enrolled or drafted into government service.
Obligatory enrollment of citizens for a period of service, usually in the armed forces.
describe, describing:
To set forth in words, written or spoken, by reference to qualities, recognizable features, or characteristic marks; to give a detailed or graphic account of.
1. A written or verbal account, representation, or explanation of someone or something.
2. The process of giving an account or explanation of something. descriptive:
1. Containing or consisting of description.
2. Serving mainly to label, describe, or classify. indescribable:
1. That which cannot be described; that does not admit of exact description; indefinite, vague.
2. That which transcends description; too great, beautiful, etc. to be adequately described. inscribe:
1. To write, mark, or delineate (words, a name, characters, etc.) in or on something; especially, so as to be conspicuous or durable, as on a monument, tablet, etc.
2. To write or enter the name of (a person) upon an official document or list; to enroll. 3. To dedicate (a writing or work of art) to a person by a short inscription (placed at the beginning of a writing, or beneath a picture, etc.), less formal than an ordinary dedication. inscription:
1. Words or letters written, printed, or engraved on a service.
2. A signed message written in a book or on a photograph, often when it is being presented as a gift. interscribe:
To write between, to interline.
To write with ones (own) hand; to write by hand.
1. A book or other text written by hand, especially one written before the invention of printing.
2. An authors text for a book, article, or other piece of written work as it is submitted for publication. 3. Handwriting as opposed to the printed word. nondescript, nondescription:
With no interesting or remarkable characteristics.
omniscribent, omniscriptive:
Writing on all subjects.
overprescribe, overprescribing, overprescription:
To prescribe an excessive amount of (a drug or medicine).
postscript (post scriptum); P.S.:
1. To write (something) after; to write as a postscript or appendix.
2. To write afterwards or subsequently; to make a written addition to a previously written message. prescribe:
1. To direct a patient to follow a particular course of treatment; specifically, to use a particular drug at set times and in specified dosages.
2. To write first or beforehand; also, to write with foreknowledge; to predict in writing; to describe beforehand. 3. To write or lay down as a rule or direction to be followed; to appoint, ordain, direct, enjoin.. prescribed:
Laid down, appointed, or fixed beforehand; ordained, appointed, set, fixed, defined.
A rule or regulation that has been laid down in writing.
1. A written order issued by a physician or other qualified practitioner that authorizes a pharmacist to supply a particular medication for a particular patient, with instructions on its use.
2. A written order from an optometrist or ophthalmologist for glasses or contact lenses of a particular type and strength to correct the eyesight of a particular person. 3. A proven formula for causing something else to happen. 4. Laying down of laws, rules, and regulations. prescriptive:
1. Establishing or adhering to rules and regulations.
2. Based on legal prescription. 3. Based on or authorized by long-standing custom. proscribe:
1. To write up or publish the name of (a person) as condemned to death and confiscation of property; to put out of the protection of the law, to outlaw; to banish, exile.
2. To reject, condemn, denounce (a thing) as useless or dangerous; to prohibit, interdict; to proclaim (a district or practice) proscription:
1. An act of condemning or forbidding something.
2. The condition of having been denounced or exiled. rescribing:
Writing again.
1. An act of rewriting something.
2. A formal reply by the pope or some other high dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church on matters of doctrine or discipline. 3. A formal reply by an ancient Roman or Holy Roman emperor on a point of law. rescriptive:
Something which can be written again.
1. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a scribe or copyist, or his work.
2. Of or pertaining to the Jewish scribes. scribble, scribbling:
1. Something hastily or carelessly written; especially, a derogatory term for a letter (usually ones own); also, a worthless or trivial composition.
2. Hurried or negligent and irregular writing; an example of this. Also, a number of irregular and unmeaning marks made with pen or pencil. 3. To write something hastily or carelessly, either as to handwriting or composition; to produce abundance of worthless writing. Also, to make random or irregular lines resembling careless writing. scribbleomania:
The craze or mania for scribbling.
One who scribbles or writes hastily or carelessly; hence, a petty author; a writer without worth.
1. An ancient highly respected and important Egyptian profession.
2. Someone who copies or writes out documents, especially someone who copied manuscripts in medieval times. 3. A general designation for any public official (whether of high or low rank) concerned with writing or the keeping of accounts; a secretary, clerk. 4. A copyist, transcriber of manuscripts; now especially, the writer of a particular MS (manuscript) copy of a classical or medieval work. 5. One (more or less) skilled in penmanship. scribomania:
Pressured writing or a compulsive need to write, often without regard to the worth of what is being written; graphomania.
A pathological fear of writing; graphophobia.
1. Paper currency issued for temporary emergency use, e.g., by an occupying military force.
2. A list, receipt, or other short piece of writing. scripophily:
The hobby of collecting share and bond certificates, especially those of historical interest.
One who collects share and bond certificates.
The written (printed) version of a stage play, movie screenplay, or radio or television broadcast, including the words to be spoken and often also technical directions.
2. An original document or manuscript. 3. Characters written by hand, especially in cursive form. 4. An system of characters used in writing. scriptorium (singular), scriptoria (plural):
A room in a monastery for the writing or copying of manuscripts; any place that is used for writing and the storage of written materials.
A place for writing or for the storage of written materials.
Relating to, contained in, or according to sacred writings, especially the biblical scriptures.
2. Written or relating to writing. scripture:
1. The sacred writings of the Bible.
2. A passage from the Bible. 3. Any sacred writing or book. scripturient:
Having a passion for writing.
In former times, someone whose job involved writing or making handwritten copies of documents, books, or other texts (From Old French escrivein, ultimately from Lain scriba). 2.A notary public.
1. To sign (ones name) at the end of a document.
2. To write ones signature on (a document, etc.) as an indication of consent, approval, attestation, etc. 3. To agree to pay for and to receive something over a particular period of time, e.g., as periodicals, series of books, or Internet resources. 4. To pledge to make regular donations to something, especially a charity, church, or organization. 5. To sign a legal document to indicate agreement or approval of its terms. subscriber:
One who subscribes as indicated above.
1. A character that is printed on a level lower than the rest of the characters on a line.
2. A distinguishing character or symbol written directly beneath or next to and slightly below a letter or number. subscription:
1. An agreement to pay for and receive something over a particular period of time, e.g., periodicals, series of books, or Internet resources.
2. A promise to pay for something when it will occur, e.g., the financing of a new business or a new issue of stock. 3. The process of signing, or a signature on, a legal document; such as, an indication of approval of its terms. superscribe, superscribed:
1. To inscribe or mark with writing on the surface or upper part; to write upon; to put an inscription on or over.
2. To write a name, address, or direction on the outside or cover of; to address (a letter, etc.) to a person. 3. To write ones name at the head of a document; as opposed to subscribe. 4. To write (a letter or word) above another, or above the line of writing. superscript:
To write or print something such as a name or address above, outside, or on the surface of something else.
Something that is written, printed, or engraved above, outside, or on the surface of something else.
transcribe, transcribing:
1. To make an exact copy of (something) in writing; to copy out from an original; to write (a copy).
2. To write out in other characters, to transliterate; to write out (a shorthand account) in ordinary long-hand; formerly also, to translate or render accurately in another language. 3. In music, to adapt (a composition) for a voice or instrument other than that for which it was originally written. 4. In broadcasting, to record for subsequent reproduction; to broadcast in this form. 5. To transfer information from one way of storing it on one computer to another, or from a computer to an external storage device. transcript:
1. A written record of something, e.g., a copy of the script of a broadcast program or a record of court proceedings.
2. An official document showing the educational work of a student in a school or college; any copy or record. transcription:
1. Something that has been transcribed.
2. A phonetic representation of speech using special symbols. transcriptional:
Relating to transcripts or to the transcribing of things.
A typewritten document or other text.
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