Thermo Words: tectonothermal to thermobiology,
Part 3 of 6
Words that include: thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(Greek > Latin: heat, hot, warm).

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Involving both tectonism and geothermal activity.
telethermograph, telethermography:
A thermograph that records electrically at a distance; a self-registering telethermometer.
A unit of heat used indiscriminately for: (1) a small calorie, (2) a large calorie, (3) 1000 large calories, (4) 100,000 British thermal units.
The property of a drug to elevate the temperature of the body.
A plant existing in hot springs.
A town with warm springs on the north coast of Sicily (now Termini).
thermae (plural):
1. Hot springs or baths.
2. Establishments for the therapeutic use of warm (or hot) medicinal springs.
Medical treatment with the application of hot air; the therapeutic use of hot air.
Sensitivity to heat.
1. A rising current of relatively warm air, used by gliders and birds to gain height.
2. In meteorology, a localized air current that rises aloft when the lower atmosphere is heated by the earths surface enough to produce an absolute instability over a certain area; a common source of low-level clear-air turbulence.
3. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of hot springs; of a spring, etc., (naturally) hot or warm; also, having hot springs.
4. Of or pertaining to heat; determined, measured, caused, or operated by heat.
thermal barrier:
The speed limitation imposed on an aircraft by aerodynamic overheating.
thermal pollution:
The release of heated fluids into a body of water, that results in increased water temperature that is harmful to the environment.
thermalgesia, thermoalgesia:
1. High sensibility to heat; pain caused by a slight degree of heat.
2. A condition in which the application of heat produces pain.
thermalgia, thermoalgia:
A condition marked by sensations of intense burning pain; causalgia.
thermality, thermally:
A thermal condition; in a thermal manner, by means of or with regard to heat.
In physics, to bring into thermal equilibrium with the environment.
The process of reducing the kinetic energy of neutrons by repeated collisions with other particles to approximately the thermal energy of atoms of the medium in which the neutrons are undergoing elastic scattering. The energy of the atoms is thermal in origin and neutrons with reduced energies are termed thermal neutrons.
A device whereby the ampere-strength of an electric current is measured by the quantity of heat that it generates.
thermanalgesia, thermoanalgesia:
Absence of pain when heat is applied.
thermanesthesia, thermanaesthesia, thermoanesthesia:
1. The inability to distinguish between heat and cold.
2. Absence or loss of heat-perception; insensibility to heat.
1. That which promotes warmth; heating, calefacient.
2. A heating medicine, a calefacient; medicines that cause heat.
1. The branch of therapeutics concerned with the application of heat.
2. The treatment of disease by heat, or specifically by thermal baths.
3. The scientific study of heat as a therapeutic agent.
An obsolete form of therm.
An obsolete term meaning to chafe or make one hot with outrageous eating and drinking hot things.
An electric thermometer, especially used for recording slight variations of temperature.
thermesthesia, thermaesthesia, thermoaesthesia, thermoesthesia:
The body's ability to recognize and to respond to heat and cold; the sense of temperature.
thermesthesiometer, thermaesthesiometer, thermoesthesiometer, thermoaesthesiometer:
1. An instrument for testing temperature sense, consisting of a metal disk with thermometer attached, by which the exact temperature of the disk at the time of application may be known.
2. An instrument for measuring sensibility to heat.
thermhyperesthesia, thermohyperesthesia:
Excessive sensitiveness to high temperatures.
thermhypesthesia, thermohypesthesia, thermohypoesthesia:
1. Decrease in the normal sensitiveness to heat.
2. Diminished sensitivity to hot or cold stimuli.
Of or pertaining to heat; of the nature of heat; thermal.
thermion, thermionic. thermionics:
1. In electronics, The emission of electrons from a heated body, especially from the hot cathode of an electron tube.
2. An electron or ion emitted from an incandescent surface.
3. An electron or other charged particle liberated from a heated surface.
thermistor (thermally sensitive resistor):
1. A device for determining temperature; also may be used to monitor control of temperatures.
2. A thermometer whose impedance varies with the ambient temperature and so is able to measure extremely small changes in temperature.
3. A reference in electronics to a temperature-sensitive semiconductor device possessing a negative temperature coefficient (i.e., resistance decreases as temperature increases); commonly used as a bolometer to measure temperatures and, indirectly, microwave energy levels.
A mixture of finely divided aluminium and oxide of iron or other metal, that produces on combustion (when ignited) a very high temperature (about 3000ºC); used in thermite processing, welding, and incendiary bombs. Also known as thermit.
1. Archaebacteria that grow in hot sulfur springs at low pH.
2. Easily stained with warm acid dyes.
In acoustics, a light beam, usually that of a laser, that is modulated by the frequency of an acoustic signal.
In engineering, an ammeter that employs a thermocouple to measure radio-frequency current.
1. In analytical chemistry, any test using heat for the analysis of thermodynamic or physical properties of materials, including distillation, calorimetry, and boiling and freezing point determinations.
2. Used in metallurgy, specifically, a test used to determine metal transformations based on the temperatures at which thermal arrests occur.
thermoanesthesia, thermoanaesthesia (British):
Loss of the normal sense of temperature, or the loss of one's ability to differentiate between hot and cold. Also known as thermoanalgesia, thermanalgesia, thermanesthesia.
A difference in temperature noted between corresponding parts of the body on the two sides as seen in unilateral lesions of sympathetic pathways.
In analytical chemistry, a weighing scale modified to measure the weight changes of a material that is being heated.
In physics, an instrument for recording simultaneously the pressure and temperature of a gas; a combination of a thermograph and a barograph.
1. A barometric instrument graduated for giving altitudes as determined by the boiling point of water.
2. As applied by Belloni to a syphon-barometer having its two wide legs united by a narrow tube, so that it could be used either in its ordinary position as a barometer, or in the reversed position as a thermometer.
Study of the effects of heat on living organisms and biological processes.

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