Thermo Words: thermocauterectomy to thermogravimeter,
Part 4 of 6
Words that include: thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(Greek > Latin: heat, hot, warm).

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Removal (excision) of tissues or an organ by thermocautery; that is, excision with a heated wire or cautery.
1. The use of an actual cautery; such as, an electrocautery (cauterization by means of a hot wire or point) to burn away tissue during a surgical procedure. Cauterization is the destruction (burning) of tissue with a hot instrument, an electric current, or a caustic substance.
2. Any form of cautery using heat.
thermochemistry, thermochemical:
1. The interrelation of chemical action and heat.
2. The aspect of physical chemistry dealing with heat changes that accompany chemical reactions and changes of state.
One who specializes in the use of chemical action and heat.
1. Exerting a selective action of heat rays.
2. Reflecting some of the heat rays and absorbing or transmitting others.
3. Having the property of differentially transmitting, absorbing, or changing radiant heat depending on wave length.
thermochrose, thermochrosy:
The property possessed by heat rays of reflection, refraction, and absorption, similar to that of light rays.
thermochrosis, thermochroism:
The selective action of certain substances on radiant heat, absorbing some of the rays, reflecting or transmitting others.
thermocleistogamy, thermocleistogamic:
Self-pollination within flowers that fail to open because of unfavorable temperature conditions.
1. In geophysics, a layer in a body of water at which the rate of temperature decrease with depth is at a maximum.
2. A horizonal temphorizontal temperature discontinuity layer in a lake in which the temperature falls by at least 1ºC per meter depth; a boundary layer in the sea in which temperature changes sharply with depth.
1. The process of converting tissue into a gel by heat.
2. Coagulatioin of tissue by the action of high-frequency currents; used in removal of growths and also used to produce stereotactic lesions in the brain.
3. Destruction and removal of tissue by coagulation utilizing high-frequency electric current.
In mechanics, any process involving both heat and pressure.
A pair of dissimilar electrical conductors (such as platinum and platinum-rhodium, or copper and constantan), so joined that an electromotive force is developed by the thermoelectric effects when the junctions are at different temperatures; used for measuring temperature differences. Also known as thermojunction.
A current of thermoelectricity; such as, that produced by a thermocouple.
In meteorology, a cyclogenetic model in which a disturbance initiated in the stratosphere is reflected in the development of a disturbance in the lower troposphere.
Diffusion of fluids, either gaseous or liquid, as influenced by the temperature of the fluid.
1. Diffusion of fluids, either gaseous or liquid, as influenced by the temperature of the fluid.
2. A method of measuring ventricular blood volume and cardiac output in which a cold or cool indicator, such as a saline solution or distilled water, is injected and sampled by a thermistor.
1. Resistant to the effects of exposure to high temperature; used especially with reference to microorganisms.
2. Capable of withstanding, or able to tolerate, high temperatures.
1. In physics, supplying, using, or accepting energy.
2. Of or relating to thermodynamics.
thermodynamics, thermodynamical, thermodynamically:
1. The branch of physicochemical science concerned with heat and energy and their conversions one into the other involving mechanical work.
2. The study of the flow of heat.
3. A branch of science dealing with heat, energy, and the interconversion of these, and with related problems.
thermoelectricity, thermoelectric, thermoelectrically:
1. An electrical current generated in a thermopile.
2. Electricity generated by heat.
Stimulating or exciting the production of heat.
A category of processing methods that use vacuum, air pressure, or mechanical energy to force a heated thermoplastic sheet into the shape of a mold; after cooling, the plastic part is removed from the mold and trimmed; used for boats, and components ranging from blister or bubble packaging to fender liners on automobiles.
thermogenesis, thermogenic, thermogenetic, thermogenous:
The production of heat; specifically, the physiological process of heat production in the body; especially, of an animal body.
The science or study of the mechanisms of heat production.
thermogenous, thermogeny:
Caused by the elevation of temperature or by heat.
A reference to the study of the geographical distributions and variations of heat.
1. A regional temperature map of the surface of a part of the body, obtained by infrared sensing device; it measures radiant heat, and thus subcutaneous blood flow, if the environment is constant.
2. The record made by a thermograph.
thermograph. thermographic:
1. An instrument or device used in producing a thermogram.
2. A graphic record of variations of temperature (heat); a heat register.
3. In meteorology, a self-recording thermometer that measures both air and soil temperature.
4. In engineering, an instrument, operating with infrared wavelengths, that measures, senses, and records the variations in atmospheric temperature.
Someone who produces a thermogram.
1. In medicine, a technique wherein an infrared camera is used to photographically portray the surface temperatures of the body, based on the self-emanating infrared radiation; sometimes employed as a means of diagnosing underlying pathologic processes, such as breast tumors.
2. The technique for making a thermogram.
An analytical instrument for measuring changes in the mass of a substance during temperature changes.