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Ven, Vent Words: “inconvenience” to “venue”,
Part 2 of 2

Words that include: ven-, vent-, veni-, ventu-
(Latin: come).

1. An inconvenient circumstance; something that interferes with ease or comfort, or causes trouble; a disadvantage, a discomfort.
2. To cause someone difficulties, especially relatively minor or unnecessary ones, or unwanted extra effort, work, or trouble.
inconvenient, inconveniently:
Causing or involving difficulties or unwanted extra effort, work, or trouble.
1. To take some action or get involved in something in order to change what is happening; especially, to prevent something undesirable.
2. To occur and as a result to stop or delay something from happening.
3. To take economic action that is designed to counter a trend in a market; especially, in order to stabilize country’s currency.
intervention, interventional:
1. An action undertaken in order to change what is happening or might happen in another’s affairs; especially, in order to prevent something undesirable.
2. The action of intervening, stepping in, or interfering in any affair, so as to affect its course or issue. Now frequently applied to the interference of a state or government in the domestic affairs or foreign relations of another country.
3. The fact of coming or being situated between in place, time, or order.
4. Economic action that is designed to counter a trend in a market; especially, in order to stabilize a contry’s currency.
Coming on, oncoming.
1. To come upon, find; to find out, discover.
2. To create something new by being the first to think of, make, or use something.
3. To make up something false, e.g., a false excuse.
1. A thing that someone has created, especially a device or process.
2. The creation of something new.
3. A lie, or the telling of lies (used euphemistically).
4. The talent to create new things.
inventive, inventively, inventiveness:
1. Good at creating new things.
2. Displaying creativity or imagination in its design.
3. Involved in or concerned with invention.
1. A detailed list of articles, such as goods and chattels, or parcels of land, found to have been in the possession of a person at his decease or conviction, sometimes with a statement of the nature and value of each; hence any such detailed statement of the property of a person, of the goods or furniture in a house or messuage, or the like.
2. A company’s assets as a whole, or the value of them.
Someone who has recently become wealthy or risen to a higher position in society but who is still considered as inferior by established wealthy and powerful people.
Chance, doubt, or uncertainty.
1. Coming or occurring in advance of another thing.
2. Producing a sense of anticipation.
prevent, preventative:
1. To cause something not to happen or to stop it from being done.
2. To be the reason why someone does not or cannot do a particular thing.
1. An action or actions taken to stop someone from doing something or to prevent something from taking place.
2. An action or measure that makes it impossible or very difficult for someone to do a certain thing, or for something to happen.
1. The place of origin of something.
2. The source and ownership history of a work of art or literature, or of an archeological find.
3. Literally, “to come forth”.
1. That which comes in to one as a return from property or possessions; especially, of an extensive kind; income from any source (but especially when large and not directly earned).
2. The collective items or amounts that constitute an income; especially, that of a person having extensive landed possessions, a ruler, city, state, etc.
3. The annual income of a government or state, from all sources, out of which the public expenses are defrayed.
4. The department of the civil service that deals with the collection of national funds.
Something bought or kept as a reminder of a particular place or occasion; ultimately from Latin subvenire, “to come into mind”.
To happen or appear in a helpful way; especially, in avoiding or preventing something.
1. A sum of money given by an official body such as a government; especially, to an institution of learning, study, or research.
2. The giving of help or support, especially financial.
3. The granting of pecuniary aid for the support of an undertaking.
supervene, supervention:
To follow or come about unexpectedly, usually interrupting or changing what is going on.
2. To follow immediately after something.
3. From Latin supervenire, literally “to come above”.
venire, venire facias:
A judicial writ ordering the summoning of jurors.
2. From medieval Latin venire facias,you should cause to come”.
1. Short for adventure.
2. A risky or daring undertaking that has no guarantee of success.
3. A business enterprise that involves risk but could lead to profit.
4. The money or property risked in a business venture.
5. To undertake the risks or dangers of a particular task or project.
6. To offer or express something tentatively at the risk of being contradicted, embarrassed, or ignored.
7. To expose money or property to risk by committing it to a particular project.
venture capital:
Money used for investment in projects that involve a high risk but offer the possibility of large profits.
venturesome, venturesomely, venturesomeness:
1. Willing to take risks or have new experiences.
2. Involving risk or danger.
1. A place where an event take place; such as, a sports competition or a concert. This especially refers to the place where events are often held. From Latin venio through French: “a coming”.
2. There is another venue that refers to a place in which a crime takes place or a cause of action arises; as well as, a statement that a case is being brought to the proper court or authority. This venue literally means, “neighborhood” and it comes from Latin vicinus “neighboring, near” which is from another Latin form vicus, “district”.