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ambi-, amb- (Latin: both, on both sides; around, about).

A reference to fish that have scales on both sides of the body minutely toothed along the edges.
A reference to flat-fishes abnormally colored on both sides instead of having the under side white.
ambidextrous, ambidexter, ambidexterity, ambidextrously, ambidextrousness:
1. The ability to use either hand with equal skill.
2. General skillfulness, especially with the hands; very skillful and versatile; using both hands with equal facility.
ambience, ambient, ambiance:
The typical atmosphere or mood of a place.
ambiguity, ambiguous, ambiguousness:
1. A situation in which something can be understood in more than one way and it is not clear which meaning is intended.
2. An expression or statement that has more than one meaning.
3. Causing uncertainty or confusion.
4. Ambivalent refers to people and their attitudes while ambiguous refers to something said or written.
Pertaining to or affecting both the right and the left side.
ambilevosity, ambilevous:
The inability to perform acts requiring manual skill with either hand.
A reference to someone who has virtually equal command of two languages
Diplopia or the perception of two images of a single object; also called, double vision and binocular polyopia.
1. Having separate male and female flowers on the same plant.
2. Used to describe secondary sexual characteristics that are common to both sexes.
2. Sexually responsive or attracted to both sexes.
ambisinister, ambisinistrous:
1. The inability to perform acts requiring manual skill with either hand; literally, having two left hands.
2. Clumsy or unskillful with both hands.
ambisonics, ambisonic:
A recording and reproduction system that uses separate channels and speakers to create the effect of being surrounded by sound (a collective noun that takes a singular verb; such as, ambisonics is a great listening experience).
ambition, ambitious:
1. A strong feeling of wanting to be successful in life and achieve great things.
2. An aim or objective that someone is trying to achieve.
ambivalence, ambivalency, ambivalent:
1. Behavior resulting from two incompatible motivations, often taking the form of a mixture of the two motivational tendencies.
2. The presence of two opposing ideas, attitudes, or emotions at the same time.
3. A feeling of uncertainty about something due to a mental conflict.
4. Ambivalent refers to people and their attitudes while ambiguous refers to something said or written.
ambiversion, ambivert:
A personality pattern that has characteristics of both introversion and extroversion.
ambivorous, ambivore, ambivory:
Feeding on grasses and broad-leaved plants.
amputate, amputation:
To cut off a limb or other appendage of the body, especially in a surgical operation; literally, to cut around.
One who performs an amputation.
Someone who has had a limb or part of a limb cut off.
circumambient, circumambiently:
1. Surrounding; to encircle something completely.
2. An area or border around a specific thing or place.