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luna, luni-, lun-, lunu- (Latin: moon, light, shine).

The point in the orbit of a spacecraft circling the moon when it is farthest from the moon's center.
Revolving around or surrounding the moon.
Lying between the earth and the moon.
1. A half-moon, a crescent.
2. Crescent-shaped; semilunar.
Pertaining to the period between the old and new moon during which the moon is not visible from the earth.
The period between the old and new moon.
loony, looney, luny:
An offensive term that deliberately insults someone's intelligence and ability to act rationally.
2. someone who behaves in an eccentric or thoughtless way. A shortening and alterated version of lunatic.
1. A personified reference to the moon.
2. When capitalized, Luna refers to the Roman goddess of the moon. The Greek equivalent is Selene.
The lunar lowlands (the dark-colored regions as seen from the earth).
1. The condition of being a lunatic; intermittent insanity such as was formerly supposed to be brought about by the changes of the moon; now applied generally to any form of insanity (idiocy is usually excepted). In legal use, such mental unsoundness that interferes with civil rights or transactions. Also, a fit or attack of such insanity.
2. It is now considered an offensive term for any psychiatric disorder that rendered patients legally incompetent and required them to be taken into care. This term was supposedly never used by physicians in medical or psychiatric contexts.
3. Now, it is considered to be an unintelligent, inconsiderate, or misguided behavior, or an example of it.
A kind of somnambulism (sleep walking) supposedly as a result of the moon's influence.
1. A reference to the moon.
2. Of or belonging to the moon; situated in the moon; formerly, often influenced by or dependent upon the moon, or supposed to be so.
3. Relating to a moon or its movement around a planet, especially the moon in relation to the earth.
4. A reference to something that is used in space travel or anything used on the moon.
5. In mythology and science fiction, an inhabitant of the moon.
A rugged barren landscape of strange rock formations, similar to the surface of the moon.
1. Inhabiting the moon.
2. A dweller on the moon.
3. Someone who observes or describes the moon; such as, anyone who used the lunar method in finding longitude.
The lunar uplands (the light-colored regions as seen from the earth) or the rocks that make up the bright portions of the lunar surface.
An instrument representing the phases and motions of the moon.
Someone who travels or has travelled to the moon; literally, "moon sailor".
1. A reference to the moon.
2. Monthly, menstrual period.
3. Someone born under the influence of the moon.
4. A crescent or half-moon.
1. Shaped like a crescent moon.
2. A small prehistoric stone (usually flint) artifact that was probably used as an arrow-head and has an elongated half-moon shape with the straight edge unworked and the curved edge sharpened by chipping.
lunatic, lunatism:
1. Originally, affected with the kind of insanity that was supposed to have recurring periods dependent on the changes of the moon. In modern use, synonymous with insane; current in popular and legal language, but not now employed technically by physicians.
2. A reference to things: indicating lunacy; crazy.
3. Madly foolish, frantic, idiotic, mad.
4. A lunatic person; a person of unsound mind; a madman.
1. The time from one new moon to the next, constituting a lunar month (29.5 days).
2. The time of the full moon.
Anything that is shaped like the crescent or half-moon.
1. Any of various figures or objects shaped like a half-moon or a crescent.
2. A crescentiform or semicircular space in a ceiling, dome, etc., decorated with paintings or sculptures; a piece of decoration filling such a space.
3. In the guillotine, the circular hole which receives the neck of the victim.
A substance capable of transmuting other substances into silver; producing silver.
Shaped like the moon.
Any of a series of Russian spacecraft sent to or near the moon.
Pertaining to the mutual relations of the sun and moon, or resulting from their combined action. Lunisolar period: a cycle of 532 years, that number being the product of 19 and 28, the numbers of years in the cycles of the moon and sun respectively. Lunisolar year: a year whose divisions are regulated by the revolutions of the moon, while its average total length is made to agree with the revolution of the sun.
A reference to the movements of the tide which are dependent on the moon or caused by the gravitational pull of the moon.
1. The white crescent-shaped mark at the base of the finger-nail.
2. A gold, crescent-shaped, neck ornament found in archaeological sites of the Early Bronze Age
A reference to a lune or lunule; in the form of a lunule, crescent-shaped.
A reference to the new moon.
That point at which a spacecraft in lunar orbit is closest to the moon's center: applied especially if the spacecraft was launched from the moon.
plenilunary, plenilunar, plenilunal:
Belonging to or resembling the full moon.
Half-moon shaped; crescentic.
A semilunar or crescent-shaped form, structure, etc.
Applied to a point on the surface of the earth that lies on a line joining the center of the moon and the center of the earth, i.e. a point at which the moon is vertically overhead in relation to the earth.
Existing or operating beneath the moon's surface.
1. Existing or situated beneath the moon; lying between the orbit of the moon and the earth; hence, subject to the moon's influence.
2. Of or belonging to this world; earthly, terrestrial.
superlunary, supralunary:
1. Situated above or beyond the moon.
2. Belonging to a higher world, celestial; figuratively, extravagant. The opposite of sublunary.