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organo-, organ- (Greek: an organized structure; pertaining to a specific bodily part with a specific function or set of functions; instrument, tool, implement).

1. In biology, a complete and independent part of a plant or animal that has a specific function.
2. In music, a large musical keyboard instrument that can produce a wide range of sounds at different volumes using compressed air passed through metal pipes.
3. Politically, an organization or body acting on behalf of a larger institution, especially a government.
organic, organicity:
1. Relating to, derived from, or characteristic of living things.
2. Occurring or developing gradually and naturally, without being forced or contrived.
3. In agriculture, relating to or employing agricultural practices that avoid the use of synthetic chemicals in favor of naturally occurring pesticides, fertilizers, and other growing aids.
4. In medicine, relating to the organs of the body, specifically to basic changes in them brought about by physical disorders.
5. In chemistry, belonging to a family of compounds characterized by chains or rings of carbon atoms that are linked to atoms of hydrogen and sometimes oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements; the scientific study of carbon-based compounds, originally limited to compounds that are the natural products of living things, now including the study of synthetic carbon compounds such as plastics.
1. In a natural or seemingly natural way.
2. Without the use of synthetic chemicals, especially fertilizers and pesticides.
organicism, organicist, organicistic:
1. In medicine, the theory that all diseases are due to structural changes in the body's organs.
2. In social sciences, the theory that society is analogous to, or shares characteristics with, living organisms.
In biology, a living thing such as a plant, animal, virus, or bacterium.
2. A functioning system of interdependent parts that resembles a living creature.
1. A group of people identified by shared interests or purposes, such as a business.
2. The coordinating of separate elements into a unit or structure.
3. The coordinating of separate elements into a unit or structure or the efficiency in the way separate elements are arranged into a coherent whole.
1. To oversee the coordination of the various elements of something.
2. To apply or to impose efficient working methods in order to work effectively, or to make someone else work effectively.
1. Existing on a large scale and involving the systematic coordination of many different elements.
2. Working in a systematic and efficient way.
The formation and development of an organ.
A gel in which an organic liquid takes the place of water.
Any of the chemical elements; such as, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and chlorine that are characteristic of organic substances.
organogenesis, organogeny, organogenetic:
The formation and development of animal or plant organs that takes place during the development of an embryo.
organography, organograph:
1. The scientific description of the organs and other main structures of plants and animals.
2. The roentgenologic visualization of the organs of the body.
Resembling an organ or a structure that resembles an organ.
1. Affecting an organ, especially a sense organ.
2. Capable of receiving a sense impression.
1. The sum of what is known regarding the organs of the body.
2. The study of plant and animal organs, in reference to their structure and functions.
One who studies plant and animal organs.
A tumor composed of organs or definite portions of an organ.
1. In medicine, A somewhat independent part of the body that performs a special function.
2. A set of principles for use in philosophical or scientific investigation.
The laws of organic life and of living organism.
organonym, organonymal, organonymic, organonymy:
The technical name of an organ or the nomenclature of organs.
Organic disease.
organopexia, organopexy:
The surgical fixation of an organ (the act or operation of holding, suturing, or fastening in a fixed position).
organophilic, organophilism:
Organotropic (the special affinity of chemical compounds or of pathogenic agents for particular tissues or organs of the body).
Having the property of forming or producing bodily organs.
The formation or development of bodily organs.
Examination of the organs; another name for phrenology (the scientific study or theory of mental faculties; specifically, the theory that the mental powers of the individual consist of separate faculties, each of which has its organ and location in a definite region of the surface of the brain, the size or development of which is commensurate with the development of the particular faculty. The study of the external conformation of the cranium as an index to the development and position of these organs, and thus of the degree of development of the various faculties).
Produced by or involving sedimentation as affected by living organisms.
A tendency to selective migration to some particular organ.
organotherapy, organotherapeutic:
In medicine, the treatment of diseases by administering substances derived from animal organs; such as, bovine insulin, which is used to treat diabetes in humans.
1. A reference to the nutrition of organs of the body.
2. Deriving energy from the oxidation of organic compounds; said of bacteria.
organotropism, organotropy:
The special affinity of chemical compounds or of pathogenic agents for particular tissues or organs of the body.
An end-organ of sensory receptors, such as a taste bud.
organum (singular); organa (plural):
An organ: a somewhat independent part of the body that is arranged according to a characteristic structural plan, and performs a special function or functions. It is composed of various tissues, one that is primary in function. Also called organon.