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somni-, somno-, somn-, -somnia, -somniac (Latin: sleep; dream).

Can an insomniac be fined for resisting a rest? -Graffiti

A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur after about ten days without sleep; starvation takes a few weeks. A no-sleep death is no gradual fade away affair—it is preceded by insanity.

Neil McAleer in The Body Almanac

Sleeping badly.
1. Any disturbances of normal sleep or rhythm pattern.
2. Any disturbances that may involve the amount, quality, or timing of sleep . They include primary insomnia, primary hypersomnia, narcolepsy, breathing-related sleep disorders, altitude insomnia, food allergy insomnia, environmental sleep disorder, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

A person who has a disturbance of normal sleep.
hypersomnia, hypersomnic:
1. A condition characterized by abnormally long or frequent periods, or abnormal depth, of sleep.
2. Excessive or uncontrollable sleepiness.
3. A condition in which sleep periods are excessively long, but the person responds normally in the intervals; distinguished from somnolence.
A condition of getting insufficient sleep.
Pertaining to a reduction of sleep time.
Decrease in normal sleepiness.
1. The inability to sleep; sleeplessness.
2. Inability to sleep, in the absence of external impediments, such as noise, a bright light, etc., during the period when sleep should normally occur; may vary in degree from restlessness or disturbed slumber to a curtailment of the normal length of sleep or to absolute wakefulness.
1. Someone who can not sleep; sleeplessness.
2. Exhibiting, tending toward, or producing insomnia.
The state of being insomnolent; insomnia.
Occurring in the midst of a dream
Between sleeping and waking.
Affected with insomnia; sleepless, unable to sleep.
Any dysfunction associated with sleep, e.g., somnabulism, pavor nocturnus, enureseis, or nocturnal seizures.
The process or technique of recording movements during sleep.
The recorded physiological function(s) obtained from polysomnography.
polysomnograph, polysomnographic:
The recorded results of polysomnography.
1. Continuous measurement and recording of physiological activity during sleep.
2. The polygraphic recording during sleep of multiple physiologic variables, both directly and indirectly related to the state and stages of sleep, to assess possible biological causes of sleep disorders.
Characteristic of old age sleeplessness.
Sleep-walking, somnambulism.
Walking while asleep, sleep walking; somnambulic.
somnambulate, somnambulates, somnambulating:
To walk while asleep.
The action or fact of walking in sleep.
Someone who walks while asleep.
somnambulism, somnambulistic:
1. The fact or habit of walking about and performing other actions while asleep; sleep-walking.
2. A disorder of sleep involving complex motor acts which occurs primarily during the first third of the night but not during rapid eye movement sleep. Synonyms: noctambulation, noctambulism, oneirodynia activa, sleepwalking, somnambulance.
Someone who walks, etc., while asleep.
Relating to sleep or dreaming.
The phenomenon of sleep or dreaming.
Of or pertaining to dreams or dreaming.
Sleepiness, drowsiness.
1. Drowsy, sleepy.
2. Inducing sleep.
1. Inducing sleep; soporific.
2. Medicine (drug or agent) that induces sleep.
1. Inducing sleep; soporific.
2. Somnolent, sleepy.
Causing sleep; somniferous.
A means of driving sleep away.
1. Dispelling or resisting falling asleep.
2. Banishing or driving sleep away.
Talking or apt to talk while asleep. i
somniloquence, somniloquent:
Talking or muttering while asleep.
somniloquism, somniloquy:
The act or habit of speaking during sleep; talking while sleeping.
A habitual sleep-talker.
Talking under the influence of hypnotic suggestion.
Someone who is affected by or under the influence of somnipathy.
Disturbance of sleep; any disorder of sleep.
somnocinematograph, somnokinematograph:
A device for recording the movements made by sleepers.
somnocinematography, somnokinematography:
The process or technique of recording movements during sleep; polycinematosomnography.
somnolence, somnolentia, somnolency:
An unnatural inclination to sleep; sleepiness, drowsiness.
1. Tending to cause sleepiness or drowsiness; inclining to sleep.
2. Marked by sleepiness or slowness.
3. A reference to persons: Inclined to sleep; heavy with sleep; drowsy.
4. In a condition of incomplete sleep; semicomatose.
Inclination to sleep; sleepiness, drowsiness; sleep drunkenness.
In a somnolent manner, sleepily.
somnolescence, somnolescent:
The state or condition of being sleepy; inclination to sleep; drowsy.
Another term for hypnotism.
Visions that appear during sleep.
The Latin god of sleep. The Greek name was Hypnos.

Somnus is said to have lived in "a cave from which all light was excluded, and to which all sounds and noises of the world penetrated either not at all or dully muffled." The rooster never called there to Aurora, nor was there a watchdog or goose to disturb the silence. No wild beast, nor cattle, nor branches rustled with the wind, nor sound of human conversation or clamor of tongues broke the stillness. There was only the gently flowing river Lethe, the river of forgetfulness, and by its murmur enticed those who heard it to sleep. Poppies grew by the door of the cave, from whose juices Night distilled slumbers that she scattered over the darkened earth. There was no gate to creak on its hinges, nor any watchman to call out.

Somnus lay asleep on a couch of black ebony adorned with black downy-soft plumes and black curtains. Around him lay dreams, some even sat on his head; resembling various forms, as many as the harvest produces stalks of grain, or the forest leaves, or the seashore grains of sand.

Whenever anyone was able to see Somnus, he was holding a poppy of forgetfulness or a horn from which trickled the drops of slumber. His twin brother was Mors (Greek: Thanatos) or Death, often represented as a quiet, pensive youth with wings, who stood beside a funeral urn decorated with a funeral wreath. Sometimes he held an extinguished torch in his hand.

Gayley, Charles Mills. The Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art.
New York:
Ginn and Company, 1939, pp. 176-177.
Hamilton, Edith Mythology.
New York:
New American Library, 1969, p. 107.
Herzberg, Max J. Classical Myths.
New York:
Allyn and Bacon, 1935, pp. 180-181.