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soror-, sorori-, soro- (Latin: sister [family member]).

A member of an international organization of professional women and businesswomen that promotes public service.
1. By one's sister; on a sister's side.
2. Of or pertaining to, characteristic of, a sister or sisters; sisterly.
1. A custom in some societies in which a widower marries a younger sister of the deceased wife.
2. Marriage to a deceased wife's sister.
sororial, sororially:
Sisterly; a sisterly manner.
Sexual intercourse with one's sister.
sororicide, sororicidal:
1. The murder of a sister.
2. Someone who kills his or her sister.
To associate, or hold fellowship, as sisters; to have sisterly feelings.
Sexual desire for one's sister.
sorority, singular; sororities, plural:
1. A body or company of women united for some common objective; especially, for devotional purposes; in the U.S., the female section of a church congregation.
2. A women's society in a college or university.
3. A group of women or girls joined together by common interests, for fellowship, etc.; specifically, a Greek-letter college/university organization.