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There are three search terms on this page.

theo-, the-, -theism, -theist, -theistic (Greek [theorein, theoria]; Latin [theoria]: looking at, contemplation, speculation; viewing).

1. A propostition that is not self-evident but that can be proved from accepted premises and so is establishe as a law or principle.
2. In math and physics, a proposition embodying something to be proved.
1. Limited to or based on theory; not practical or applied; hypothetical
2. Tending to theorize; speculative.
theoretician, theorist:
A person who theorizes, especially one who specializes in the theory of some art, science, etc.
The theoretical part of a field of knowledge.
To form a theory or theories; speculate
1. Originally, a mental viewing; contemplation.
2. A speculative idea or plan as to ow something might be done.
3. A formulation of apparent relationships or underlying principles of certainobserved phenomena which has been verified to some degree.
4. That branch of an art or science consisting in a knowledge of its principles and methods rather than in its practice; pure, as oppoed to applied, science, etc.
5. Theory implies considerable evidence in support of a formulated general principle explaing the operation of certain phenomena; as in the theory of evolution.