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umbra-, umbro-, umbr-, umbel- (Latin: shade, shadow).

adumbrate, adumbral, adumbration, adumbrative, adumbratively:
1. To give an incomplete or faint outline or indication of something.
2. To give a vague indication or warning of something to come.
3. To overshadow and obscure something.
The convex oral surface of the umbrella of a medusa (jelly fish).
With some structure overhanging the parts so as partially to conceal them.
penumbra (singular) penumbrae (plural), penumbral, penumbrous: 1. In astronomy, a partial outer shadow that is lighter than the darker inner shadow (umbra), that is, the area between complete darkness and complete light in an eclipse.
2. In astronomy, a grayish area surrounding the dark center of a sunspot.
3. An indistinct area, especially a state in which something is unclear or uncertain.
4. The outer region or periphery of something.

somber (sombre, British), sombrous: 1. Lacking light or brightness and producing a dull, dark, or melancholy atmosphere.
2. Having a color or tone that is dark, dull, or suitable for a serious mood or occasion.
3. Marked by or conveying strict seriousness combined with sadness or a troubled state of mind. [Via French, "gloomy", ultimately from late Latin subumbrare, “to shadow" from sub, "under" + umbra, "shade" (the source of English umbrage].

A straw or felt hat with a very wide upturned brim, originally worn by men in Mexico and some other Spanish-speaking countries [Via Spanish, "hat", from sombra "shade", from Vulgar Latin sumombrare]
The concave oral surface of the umbrella of a medusa (jelly fish); the concave inner surface of the medusoid bell.
umbel, umbellate, umbella:
1. In botany [diminutive of umbra, shadow] , a flat-topped or rounded flower cluster (umbrella-shaped flower head) in which the individual flower stalks spring from about the same point in an axis, as in the carrot, parsley, dill, fennel, and related plants.
2. A typically umbrella-shaped inflorescence in which all pedicels arise at the apex of an axis; commonly compound.
Bearing umbels.
In the shape or form of umbels.
A small or secondary umbel.
umbra, singular; umbrae plural:
1. A dark area, especially the blackest part of a shadow caused by light from all points of a source being prevented from reaching the area, usually by an opaque object.
2. In astronomy, The shadow region over an area of the earth where a solar eclipse is total.
3. The darkest region of a sunspot.
4. A shade; such as, a ghost.
Bearing an umbrella-like organ or structure.
Shaped like an expanded umbrella.
Any umbrella-like sturcture; pigmented fringe of iris, in certain ungulates; pupillary appendage, in amphibians.
1. Offense, resentment [took umbrage at his remark].
2. Something that affords shade; a shadow or shade; for example, the shade of a tree.
3. A vague or shadowy shape or simply an indication; a hint. [The expression take umbrage "take offence" arises from a metaphorical extension of "shadow" to "suspicion", which took place in French].
umbrageous, umbral, umbrageously, umbrageousness:
1. Affording or creating shade, shady, coolness.
2. Easily offended, or likely to become irritated. [An umbrageous tree is a shade tree; but an umbrageous person is one who is quick to take offense or who is angered by some statement].
umbraticole, umbraticolous:
Living in shaded habitats.
1. A portable, collapsible divice for protection against the sun, rain, and snow consisting of a fabric canopy mounted on a sliding framework of ribs radiating from a central rod.
2. Something that covers or protects, as military aircraft shielding ground operations.
3. Something that encompasses or covers many different elements or groups.
4. In zoology, the contractile, gelatinous, rounded mass constituting the major part of the body of most jellyfishes.
Causing a shadow.
umbrophile, umbrophilic, umbrophily:
Thriving in shaded habitats.
Living in shaded habitats; also, umbraticolous.