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vir-, viri-, virtu-(Latin: man, manliness; manhood; husband).

centumvir, centumviral, centumvirate (singular), centumviri (plural):
In Roman history, a body of judges appointed by the praetor to decide common causes among the Roman people. They were elected out of the thirty-five tribes, three from each tribe, which made the number one hundred five, though for the sake of conciseness called "The Hundred Men", which was the name they continued to use even when the number was increased under the emperors to 180.
decemvir, decemviral, decemvirate:
In Roman history, a body of ten men acting as a commission, council, college, or ruling authority; especially, the two bodies of magistrates appointed in 451 and 450 B.C. to draw up a code of laws (The Laws of Twelve Tables) who were, during the time, entrusted with the supreme government of Rome.
2. A council or ruling body of ten, as the Council of Ten of the Venetian Republic.
A term used in theology that signifies someone who is divine and man (human) at the same time.
devirilize, devirilization:
To deprive of virility or manly qualities; to devitalize.
duumvir, duumviracy, duumviral, duumvirate:
1. In Roman history, one of the duumviri, the general name given to pairs of co-equal magistrates and functionaries in Rome and in her coloniae and municipia.
2. In modern use, one of two colleagues in authority.
1. Castrated, emasculated; deprived of manly strength or vigor.
2. To deprive of manly qualities or attributes; to render unmanly in character or appearance.
The action of depriving of virility; the state of being deprived of virility; emasculation.
A male singer castrated in boyhood so as to retain an alto or soprano voice.
1. To put forth virtue from (oneself); to exert oneself (to do something).
2. To put forth virtue, exert influence.
3. To take away the virtue of, to deprive of authority, power, or strength.
4. Deprived of virtue, strength, or power; enervated.
invirile, invirility:
Unmanly, effeminate.
1. To make virtuous.
2. To endow with virtue or power.
1. Brother-in-law.
2. The custom among the Jews and some other nations, by which the brother or next of kin to a deceased man was bound under certain circumstances to marry the widow.
A body of eight men, a council of eight.
A union of four men.
quadrumvir, quadrumvirate:
One of four men.
A member of a body, commission, etc., of fifteen men; especially one of the priests who had charge of the Sibylline books.
A government consisting of five hundred men.
An association, board, etc., consisting of five men.
revirescence, revirescent:
Return to a youthful or flourishing condition.
septemvir, septemviral, septemvirate:
One of a body of seven men associated in an office or commission.
triumvir, triumvirate, triumviracy:
In Roman history, one of three magistrates or public officers forming a committee charged with one of the departments of the administration; also, a member of the coalition of Pompey, Caesar, and Crassus, 60 B.C. (first triumvirate), or of the administration of Caesar, Antony, and Lepidus, 43 B.C. (second triumvirate).
Male orgasm.
1. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of a man; manly, masculine; marked by strength or force.
2. Characteristic of male sex.
virilescence, virilescent:
1. The condition of becoming virile, specifically of assuming physical characteristics of a male.
2. A condition of some animals, and especially of some fowls, in which the female, when old, assumes some of the characteristics of the male of the species.
The male genitals.
To make virile or manly.
virilism, virilization:
1. A form of hermaphroditism.
2. The state of a female having some male sexual characteristics.
A hearty, excessively "manly" person; one who makes a cult of conventional masculine virtues.
The period of life during which a person of the male sex is in full vigor; mature or fully developed manhood or masculine force.
virilization, virilized:
The pathological development of male sexual characteristics, especially in a female.
1. Pertaining to or designating a woman's residence after marriage in the domicile of her husband.
2. A wife living with the husband's family after the marriage.
Possessed of strength or energy.
1. Being something in effect even if not in reality or not conforming to the generally accepted definition of the term.
2. In physics, used to describe a particle whose existence is suggested to explain observed phenomena but is not proven or directly observable.
3. With computer technology, simulated by a computer for reasons of economics, convenience, or performance.
4. With computer technology, used to describe a technique of moving data between storage areas or media to create the impression that a computer has a storage capacity greater than it actually has.
The Calvinistic doctrine of Christ's virtual presence in the Eucharist.
The inherent ability or potential to come into existence.
2. Essential nature or being, apart from external form or embodiment.
3. A virtual (as opposed to an actual) thing, capacity, etc.; a potentiality.
In effect even if not in fact.
2. Almost but not quite.
3. In respect of essence or effect, apart from actual form or specific manner; as far as essential qualities or facts are concerned.
1. The quality of being morally good or righteous.
2. A particular quality that is morally good.
3. A particular quality that is good or admirable, but not necessarily in terms of morality.
1. Destitute of efficacy or excellence; ineffective, worthless.
2. Destitute of virtue or moral goodness; immoral, vicious.
Manly qualities or character.
virtuous, virtuousness:
1. Originally, distinguished by manly qualities; full of manly courage; valiant, valorous.
2. Possessing or showing virtue in life and conduct; acting with moral rectitude or in conformity with moral laws; free from vice, immorality, or wickedness; good, just, righteous.
3. Having or showing moral goodness or righteousness.
4. Not having sexual intercourse with anyone except a partner in marriage, especially a husband.
In a virtuous manner; according to or in conformity with moral laws; uprightly, righteously; chastely, purely.