Andro Words Quiz #1

Choose one answer for each number that correctly matches the definitions or statements in the questions. When you click on the Calculate your score button, you will receive a score and, if you choose any incorrect answers, you will also be told which questions have the wrong responses (including those that were left unanswered).

  1. Producing masculine characteristics.
    (a) androgynoid (b) androgenetic (c) androgenotherapy
    (d) android (e) androgynous

  2. Resembling males.
    (a) andron (b) androgynal (c) androdynamous
    (d) andromorphy (e) androconium

  3. An automaton resembling a man; manlike.
    (a) andromimetophilia (b) androgyny (c) android
    (d) andromorphous (e) androgenus

  4. Of men who are womanish and effeminate.
    (a) androcyte (b) androcentricity (c) andric
    (d) androcephalous (e) androgynous

  5. The branch of medicine dealing with diseases of men.
    (a) anandrious (b) andriatry (c) andranatomy
    (d) androcentricity (e) android

  6. The physical structure of the male body.
    (a) andranatomy (b) anandrious (c) andragogy (d) andriatrics (e) androchorous

  7. The political rule by men or males; male supremacy.
    (a) androgen (b) androgenicity (c) androcracy
    (d) androdiecious (e) androgyne

  8. A male resembling a female; or possessing female features.
    (a) androgynophilia (b) androgynoid (c) androidal
    (d) androlepsy (e) andromasalgia

  9. Abnormal, excessive, insatiable sexual desire in the female for a man.
    (a) andromorphy (b) androcentricity (c) andriatrics
    (d) andromimesis (e) andromania

  10. The branch of medicine concerned with diseases peculiar to the male sex, particularly infertility and sexual dysfunction.
    (a) androgyny (b) andrology (c) androgynism (d) androchory (e) androlepsy

You may go on to Andro-Quiz #2, if you wish.

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