Esthesia-Words Quiz #2

Choose one answer for each number that correctly matches the definitions or statements in the questions. When you click on the Calculate your score button, you will receive a score and, if you choose any incorrect answers, you will also be told which questions have the wrong responses (including those that were left unanswered).

  1. An abnormal or unpleasant feeling or disorder of the senses.
    (a) cheirocinesthesia (b) cryesthesia (c) cacesthesia
    (d) baresthesia (e) cryptaesthesia
  2. Having an excessively sensitive skin.
    (a) cryoanesthesia (b) baresthesia (c) bathyanesthesia
    (d) cryesthesia (e) dermatosthesia
  3. An abnormal slowness, or dullness, of sense perceptions.
    (a) caumesthesia (b) cheirokinesthesia (c) cryesthesia
    (d) bradyesthesia (e) cryptesthesia
  4. Unusual or abnormal sensitivity to cold.
    (a) dysesthesia (b) cryesthesia (c) bathyanesthesia
    (d) bradyesthesia (e) crymoanesthesia
  5. Giving anesthetics to patients for cardiac operations.
    (a) caumesthesia (b) cardiesthesia (c) callesthetics
    (d) cenesthesia (e) cardianesthesia
  6. A feeling of physical discomfort or uneasiness, such as in the early stages of an illness.
    (a) cenesthesiopathy (b) cardiesthesia (c) baresthesia
    (d) bathyanesthesia (e) cenesthesia
  7. A feeling of heat even when the temperatukre is low.
    (a) chromaesthesia (b) cryesthesia (c) cryptesthesia
    (d) caumesthesia (e) dysthermesthesia
  8. Difficulty with the sense of touch or a diminished sensitivity to pain.
    (a) cryoanesthesia (b) cryesthesia (c) dysesthesia
    (d) cheirokinesthesia (e) cenesthesia
  9. A disorder of temperature perception.
    (a) dysesthesia (b) bathyaesthesia (c) dermatosthesia
    (d) cryptesthesia (e) dysthermesthesia
  10. The loss of deep sensations in the body.
    (a) bathyanesthesia (b) cardiesthesia (c) dermatosthesia
    (d) caumesthesia (e) baresthesia

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