Theo Words Quiz #1

Choose one answer for each number that correctly matches the definitions or statements in the questions. When you click on the Calculate your score button, you will receive a score and, if you choose any incorrect answers, you will also be told which questions have the wrong responses (including those that were left unanswered).

  1. Disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of a God or gods.
    (a) autotheism (b) atheism (c) egotheism (d) theism (e) theocracy
  2. A hymn in praise of God.
    (a) theocrat (b) theist (c) theanthropism (d) theody (e) thearchy
  3. The belief in more than one god.
    (a) polytheism (b) philotheism (c) theanthropism (d) monotheism (e) atheism
  4. The worship of other or strange gods.
    (a) atheism (b) misotheism (c) allotheism (d) monotheism (e) philotheism
  5. The doctrine of the absolute spirituality of God.
    (a) polytheism (b) theanthropism (c) thearchy (d) theocracy (e) psychotheism
  6. A government made up of people (priests or other clergy) who claim to represent God.
    (a) theocracy (b) theodemocracy (c) theody (d) theochristic (e) theistic
  7. A person who believes in the existence of God.
    (a) theocrat (b) theist (c) theanthropist (d) theandric (e) polytheist
  8. The worship of one of a group of gods, in contrast with monotheism, which teaches that only one god exists.
    (a) egotheism (b) dithesim (c) henotheism (d) atheism (e) antitheism
  9. The belief that the gods originated from human beings and are essentially human in nature.
    (a) autotheism (b) dithesim (c) egotheism (d) anthropotheism (e) allotheism
  10. The belief that God and the material world are the same.
    (a) misotheism (b) monotheism (c) myriotheism (d) theodemocracy (e) hylotheism

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