![]() If you want information about the English words presented in the units of English words below, they will link you directly to the thematic units presented or, if you would rather go directly to the search page, you can look for specific words instead of trying to determine if what you want is located in the units shown. Words: a-, ab-, abs- (Latin: prefixes that mean: from, away, away from).
a-, ab-, abs-: words "abdicate" to "avert".
Words: a-, an- (Greek: prefixes meaning: no, absence of, without, lack of, not).
a- and an-, part 1 of 4: words "abacterial" to "alexia".
a- and an-, part 2 of 4: words "alogia" to "anonymous".
a- and an-, part 3 of 4: words "anopia" to "asemasia".
a- and an-, part 4 of 4: words "asemia" to "tritanopia".
Word: abacus (Hebrew > Greek > Latin > Middle English): dust.
abacus: words "abacus".
Words: abdomino-, abdomin-, abdomen- (Latin: belly, venter [the use of "stomach" is considered incorrect for this element]).
abdomino- words: "abdomen" to "vesicoabdominal".
Words: -ability (Latin: a form of able).
-ability words: "absorbability" to "vulnerability".
Words: -able (Latin: expressing ability, capacity, fitness, capable of, can be done).
-able words: "amicable" to "potable".
Words: abluto-, ablut- (Latin: a washing [especially as a ritual], cleansing).
abluto- words: "abluent" to "ablutoskepsis".
There is also a special article about ablutions or washing with historical and modern perspectives. Words: -ably (Latin: in an able manner, or capably).
-ably words: "adorably" to "veritably".
Words: abort-, aborti- (Latin: miscarry, pass away, perish by an untimely birth).
abort- words: "abort" to "proabortionist".
Words: acid, -acidi-, acido-, -acidity (Latin: sour [sharp]).
acid words: "acidemia" to "uricaciduria".
Words: acous-, -acoustical (Greek: hearing, listening, of or for hearing).
acous-, -acoustical, part 1 of 2: words "acouasm" to "acoutometer".
acous-, -acoustical, part 2 of 2: words "acusis" to "telacousis".
There are also two self-scoring quizzes with these pages. Words: acro-, acr- (Greek: high, highest, highest point; top, tip end, outermost; extreme; extremity of the body).
acro-, acr-, part 1 of 2: words, "acroagnosis" to "acromkyotonia".
acro-, acr-, part 2 of 2: words, "acroneurosis" to "polyacron".
There are also two self-scoring quizzes with these pages.
Words: acuto-, acut-, acuti-, acu-, -cusis (Latin: sharp, to sharpen, point; needle, pin).
acut-: dictionary words, "acicula" to "superacute".
Words: adeno-, aden- (Greek: gland(s), glandular [from “acorn”]).
adeno-, aden-, part 1 of 2: words, "adenalgia" to "anadenia".
adeno-, aden-, part 2 of 2: words, "blennadenitis" to "thyroadenitis".
Words: adipo-, adipos- (Latin: fat, lard; of or pertaining to fat; fleshy).
adipo-, adipos-: words, "adipis" to "hyperadiposis".
Words: aero-, aer-, aeri (Greek: air, mist, wind).
aero-, aer-, aeri-, part 1 of 2: words, "aeroacoustics" to "anaerogenic".
aero-, aer-, aeri-, part 2 of 2: words, "aero-odontalgia" to "aura".
There are also two self-scoring quizzes with these pages.
Words: Aesculapius (Greek: god of medicine).
Aesculapius, part 1 of 2: A god for all medical doctors.
Aesculapius, part 2 of 2: A god for all medical doctors.
Words: -agogue, -agog, -agogic (Greek: usually a suffix meaning: lead, leading, leading forth, guide, guiding; bring, take; promoting, or stimulating).
-agogue, -agog, -agogic, etc.: words, "agogic" to "xenagogy".
Words: algesi-, -algesic (Greek: pain, sense of pain; painful; hurting).
algesi-, -algesic , part 1 of 3: words, "acromelalgia" to "audioanalgesia".
algesi-, -algesic , part 2 of 3: words, "cardialgia" to "myalgia".
algesi-, -algesic , part 3 of 3: words, "neogamalgia" to "xiphoidalgia".
There are also three self-scoring quizzes with these pages.
Words: Alphabet, Greek (Greek: alpha to omega).
Greek Alphabet: "alpha" to "omega".
Words: amphora (Greek > Latin: source of @ symbol).
amphora transformed into @? Research seems to indicate that the @ symbol came from a reference to a weight unit used by ancient Greeks and Romans. Read the story on this page to learn more about the possible origin for a symbol that is now so widely used around the world.
Words: andro-, -andria (Greek: man (men), male, masculine; also, stamen or anther as used in botany).
andro-, -andria , part 1 of 2: words, "adynamandrous" to "andron".
andro-, -andria , part 2 of 2: words, "andropara" to "triandrous".
There are also two self-scoring quizzes with these pages.
Words: anima-, anim- (Latin: animal life; breath; soul; mind).
anima-, anim- : words, "anima" to "unanimous".
Words: aniso-, anis- (Greek: unequal; by extension: unsymmetrical, uneven; dissimilar, unlike).
aniso-, anis- : words, "aniseikonia" to "anisotropy". Words: arch-, archi-, -arch (Greek > Latin: chief, principal leader, first [in position or rank]).
arch-, archi-, -arch : words, "archabbey" to "archvillain".
Words: -arch, -archy suffixes (Greek: govern, rule; ruler, chief [first in position]).
-arch, -archic, -archy suffixes for , part 1 of 2: words, "anarch" to "kritarchy".
-arch, -archic, -archy suffixes for , part 2 of 2: words, "matriarch" to "triarchy".