![]() If you want information about the English words presented in the units of English words below, they will link you directly to the thematic units presented or, if you would rather go directly to the search page, you can look for specific words instead of trying to determine if what you want is located in the units shown. Words: mal- (Latin: bad, badly, harsh, wrong; ill; evil; abnormal, defective; used primarily as a prefix).
mal- : words "malabsorption" to "malversation".
Words: -mancy, -mancer, -mantic, -mantical (Greek: divination, prophecy; to interpret signs so "practical" decisions can be made; primarily used as a suffix).
-mancy, -mantic, Introductory Background of Divination or Mancy words.
-mancy, -mantic, part 1 of 9: words "acutomancia" to "axinomancy".
-mancy, -mantic, part 2 of 9: words "belomancy" to "cheiromancy".
-mancy, -mantic, part 3 of 9: words "chresmomancy" to "cyclomancy".
-mancy, -mantic, part 4 of 9: words "dactyliomancy" to "gyromancy".
-mancy, -mantic, part 5 of 9: words "halomancy" to "chnomancy".
-mancy, -mantic, part 6 of 9: words "macharomancy" to "nycromancy".
-mancy, -mantic, part 7 of 9: words "oculomancy" to "ouranomancy".
-mancy, -mantic, part 8 of 9: words "pedomancy" to "spasmatomancy".
-mancy, -mantic, part 9 of 9: words "spatalamancy" to "zygomancy".
Words: mania-, -maniac (Greek: 1. A specific mental disorder or obsessive preoccupation with something; madness, frenzy; obsession, or abnormal desire for or with something or someone. 2. Excessive enthusiasm or fondness for something).
mania-, -mania , part 1 of 4: words "ablutomania" to "dysmorphomania".
mania-, -mania , part 2 of 4: words "ecdemiomania" to "krauomania".
mania-, -mania , part 3 of 4:words "lagneuomania" to "ornithomania".
mania-, -mania , part 4 of 4: words "paramania" to "dysmorphomania".
There are also two self-scoring quizzes with these pages.
Words: meteoro-, meteor- (Greek: upraised, high up; in the air; anything raised from the ground, high, lofty; hovering in the air; hence, heavenly body, atmospheric phenomenon).
meteoro-, meteor- : words, "agrometeorology" to "telemeteorograph".
Words: miso-, mis-, -misia (Greek: hate, hater, hatred; disgust for).
miso-, -misia : words, "iatromisia" to "nomomisia".
Words: mort-, mor-, mori- (Latin: death, dead).
mort-, mori- : words, "abmortal" to "postmortem".
Words: multi-, mult- (Latin: many, much; used as a prefix).
multi-, mult-: words, "multangular" to "multungulate".
Words: mythico-, mytho-, -mythic (Greek: talk, speech, word; story; legend).
mythico-, mytho-, -mythic : words, "dymyth" to "theomythology".