![]() If you want information about the English words presented in the units of English words below, they will link you directly to the thematic units presented or, if you would rather go directly to the search page, you can look for specific words instead of trying to determine if what you want is located in the units shown. Words: pan-, panto-, pant- (Greek: all, every, entire).
pan-, panto-: part 1 of 2, words "pan" to "panic".
pan-, panto-: part 2 of 2, words "panimmunity" to "panzootic".
Words: pass-, pati- (Latin: suffering, feeling; enduring).
pass-, pati- : words "compassion" to "uncompassionate".
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Words: pater-, patro-, patr-, patri-, -patria (Latin: father, dad, pop [family member]; fatherland, country, nation).
pater-, -patria: words "allopatric" to "sympatria".
Words: patho-, -path-, -pathia, -pathic, -pathology, -pathetic, -pathize, -pathy (Greek: feeling, sensation, perception; suffering, disease, medical).
patho-: part 1 of 1, words feeling words "anthropopathy" to "unsympathetic".
patho-: part 1 of 6, disease, medical words "acroleukopathy" to
"cytopathy". patho-: part 2 of 6, disease, medical words "demonopathy" to "gynopathy".
patho-, -pathic: part 3 of 6, disease, medical words "haematopathology" to "nostopathy".
patho-: part 4 of 6, disease, medical words "oculopathy" to "pathogens".
patho-, -pathic: part 5 of 6, disease, medical words "pathognomonic" to "psychopath".
patho-: pt. 6 of 6, disease, medical words "rachiopathy" to "zoopathology".
Words: ped-, pedi-, -pedal, -ped, -pede, -pedia (Latin: foot, feet).
ped-, -pedal: part 1 of 2, foot, feet words "aliped" to "octoped".
ped-, -pedal: part 2 of 2, foot, feet words "palmiped" to "velocipede".
Words: pedo-, paedo-, ped-, paed-, paido-, paid- (Greek: child, boy; infant).
pedo-, paedo-: part 1 of 2, child, boy words "callipedia" to "pedantry".
pedo-, paedo-: part 2 of 2, child, boy words "pedarchy" to "ptilopedic".
Words: phago-, phag-, -phage, -phagi, -phagic, -phagically, -phagia, -phagism, -phagist, -phagic, -phagous, -phag (Greek: eat, eating, consume, ingest).
phago-: part 1 of 4, eat, ingest words "acridophage" to "dysphagia".
phago-: part 2 of 4, eat, ingest words "Echidnophaga" to "lithophage".
phago-: part 3 of 4, eat, ingest words "macrophagous" to "ostreophagous".
phago-: part 4 of 4, eat, ingest words "pagophagia" to "zoophagous".
Words: philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism (Greek: love, loving, friendly to, fondness for, attraction to, strong tendency toward, affinity for).
philo-, -philic: part 1 of 10, words "abrakophile" to "autophilous".
philo-, -philic: part 2 of 10, words "balneophile" to "cypripareuniaphile".
philo-, -philic: part 3 of 10, words "dekocerophile" to "fusiophilist".
philo-, -philic: part 4 of 10, words "gastrocartephilist" to "korophilia".
philo-, -philic: part 5 of 10, words "labalophilist" to "myiophilous".
philo-, -philic: part 6 of 10, words "namatophilous" to "oxyphilous".
philo-, -philic: part 7 of 10, words "pagophilous" to "philogynist".
philo-, -philic: part 8 of 10, words "philology" to "pyroxylophilous".
philo-, -philic: part 9 of 10, words "quamtophilist" to "syrtidophilous".
philo-, -philic: part 10 of 10, words "tandentrophilist" to "zoophilous".
Words: phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias, -phobe, -phobiac, -phobist,
-phobic, -phobism, -phobous (Greek: fear, an extreme fear of; also, morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone; however, sometimes this Greek element means a strong dislike or hatred for something or someone). phobo-, -phobia : part 1 of 13, words "ablutophobia" to "agoraphobia".
phobo-, -phobia : part 2 of 13, words "agraphobia" to "anthropophobia".
phobo-, -phobia : part 3 of 13, words "antlophobia" to "autophobia".
phobo-, -phobia : part 4 of 13, words "bacillophobia" to "brontophobia".
phobo-, -phobia : part 5 of 13, words "cacohydrophobia" to "cypriphobia".
phobo-, -phobia : part 6 of 13, words "daemonophobia" to "eurotophobia".
phobo-, -phobia : part 7 of 13, words "febriphobia" to "hypsiphobia".
phobo-, -phobia : part 8 of 13, words "iatrophobia" to "myxophobia".
phobo-, -phobia : part 9 of 13, words "nebulaphobia" to "oxyphobous".
phobo-, -phobia : part 10 of 13, words "paedophobia" to "phobotaxis".
phobo-, -phobia : part 11 of 13, words "phonophobia" to "pyrophobia".
phobo-, -phobia : part 12 of 13, words "radiophobia" to "syphiliphobia".
phobo-, -phobia : part 13 of 13, words "tabophobia" to "zoophobia".
Words: phono-, phon-, -phone, -phonia, -phonic, -phonetic, -phonous, -phonically, -phonetically, -phony (Greek: sound, voice, speech).
phono-, -phonia : part 1 of 5, words "acrophonic" to "dysphonia".
phono-, -phonia : part 2 of 5, words "earphone" to "neurophonia".
phono-, -phonia : part 3 of 5, words "odynophonia" to
"phonocatheterization". phono-, -phonia : part 4 of 5, words "phonodynamograph" to "phony".
phono-, -phonia : part 5 of 5, words "pneumatophony" to "xylophonist".
Words: phospho-, phosph-, phosphoro-, phosphor- (Greek: light, light bringer, shine; morning star; a nonmetallic chemical element that ignites when exposed to air).
phospho-: words "dephosphorize" to "tribophosphoroscope".
Words: photo-, phot-, -photic (Greek: light).
photo-: part 1 of 2 words "aphotesthesia" to "photoerythema".
photo-: part 2 of 2, words "photoesthesia" to "sthenophotic".
Words: phreno-, phren-, phreni-, phrenico-, phrenic-, -phrenia,
-phrenic, -phrenically (Greek: mind, brain; the midriff or the diaphragm; the phrenic nerve). phreno-, -phrenic: words "aphrenia" to "schizophrenia".
Words: plankto-, -plankton (Greek: passively drifting, wandering, roaming).
plankto-, -plankton : part 1 of 2, words "acroplankton" to "phytioplankton".
plankto-, -plankton : part 2 of 2, words "phytoplankton" to "zooplankton".
Words: plano-, -plany (Greek: passively drifting, wandering, or roaming), planet images and background information.
plano-, -plany : words "angioplany" to "superplanetary".
Illustrated planets, mythological backgrounds, and scientific information are available at this link. Planet images include: Apollo, Mercury, Venus, Earth (Gaea), Luna (Moon), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Words: podo-, pod-, -poda, -pod, -pode, -podium, -podia, -podial,
-podous, -pody (Greek: foot, feet). podo-, -podia: part 1 of 2, words "acephalopodia" to "ornithopod".
podo-, -podia: part 2 of 2, words "pachypod" to "zygopodium".
Words: The prefix poly- (Greek: many, much; too many, too much, excessive; a prefix used with many words). Don't confuse this "poly-" with another "-poly" meaning to sell.
poly-: part 1 of 2, words "polyacanthous" to "polylogy".
poly-: part 2 of 2, words "polymastia" to "polyzoan".
Words: The suffix -poly, -pole, -polism, -polist, -polistic, -polistically
(Greek: used as a suffix; sale, selling; one who sells; pertaining to selling, to sell; trade, barter). Don't confuse this "-poly" with another "poly-" meaning many. -poly, -pole: words "bibliopole" to "xylopoly".
Words: port-, portat- (Latin: carry, bring, bear).
port-, portat- : words "apport" to "transportation".
Words: psych-, psycho-, -psyche, -psychic, -psychical, -psychically
(Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes; the human soul; breath of life). Etymologically, this element includes such meanings as, breath, to breathe, life, soul, spirit, mind, consciousness; and literally, "that which breathes". psych-: Part 1 of 7, words "allopsychic" to "neuropsychosis".
psych-: Part 2 of 7, words "omphalopsychic" to "psychauditory".
psych-: Part 3 of 7, words "Psyche" to "psychoanalyst".
psych-: Part 4 of 7, words "psychoasthenics" to "psychogenic".
psych-: Part 5 of 7, words "psychogeriatric" to "psychomotility".
psych-: Part 6 of 7, words "psychomotor" to "psychoscope".
psych-: Part 7 of 7, words "psychosensory" to "psychurgy".