Esthesia Words: enterosthesia to euesthesia
Part 3 of 5.
Words that include: aesth-, esth-, aesthe-, esthe-, aesthesio-, esthesio-, aesthesia-, -esthesia, -aesthetic,
-esthetic, -aesthetical, -esthetical, -aesthetically,
(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception).

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The condition of having a sensitive digestive tract.
An instrument for recording the amount of work done during muscular activity. Also known as ergometer or ergograph.
The science of the senses and sense organs and their functions.
Another spelling version (U.S.) of aesthesia.
Pertaining to the mental perception of sensations.
A skin disorder associated with sensory abnormalities.
Providing a path for sensory impulses; conveying sensations from the external organs to the brain or nerve centers; also esthesodic and esthesiogenic.
esthesiogen, aesthesiogen:
1. An agent capable of inducing a sensation.
2.A substance reputed to produce abnormal sensitiveness.
Producing or causing sensation.
Production of a reaction in a sensory zone.
esthesiograph, esthesiography:
1. The technique of mapping on the body surface (skin or mucosa) the areas representing the different areas of sensation.
2.A description of the organs of sense and the mechanisms of sensation. Also esthesiometry.
The language of the men of medicine is a fearful
concoction of sesquipedalian words, numbered by the thousands.
—Frederick Saunders (1807-1902)
The science of sensations and sensory phenomena.
1. An instrument for measuring tactile and other cutaneous sensitivity.
2.A compass-like device used to measure sensory discrimination by calculating the distance by which two points must be separated when pressed against the skin, so that each is distinctly felt. Also known as tactometer and two-point discrimination.
1. The study or description of sensory mechanisms.
2.The determination of areas of sensation on the skin. Also called esthesiography.
A sensory neuron.
Any disorder of the sensory nerves or of sensation; including, anesthesia, hyperesthesia, and paresthesia; also known as esthesionosus.
esthesiophysiology, aesthesiophysiology:
The physiology of sensation and the sense organs; sensory physiology.
esthesis, aesthesis:
1. The perception of the external world by the senses.
2.Sensation; especially, rudimentary sensation.
Providing a path for sensory impulses; conveying sensations from the external organs to the brain or nerve centers; also esthesiodic and esthesiogenic.
Another spelling version (U.S.) of aesthete. esthetic, esthetics:
1. Another spelling version (U.S.) of aesthetic.
2.In philosophy, the study of beauty.
3. In dentistry, a philosophy concerned especially with the appearance of dental restoration, as achieved through its color and/or form.
Of or relating to esthetics; relating to the philosophy or theory of beauty. Often interchanged in use with esthetic, but properly distinct; thus, My esthetical notions are the notions I have on the subject of esthetics. My esthetic faculties are those which exercise esthetics.
The quality of being esthetic; the pursuit of, or devotion to, what is sensuously beautiful.
A substance that sustains consciousness.
The normal condition of sensations or feelings.
The prime goal [of medical treatment] is to alleviate suffering, and not to prolong life; and if your treatment does not alleviate suffering, but only prolongs life, that treatment should be stopped.
—Christian Barnard, M.D.