Andro Words: “andropara” to “triandrous”,
Part 2 of 2.
Forms of this element include: andro-, andr-, -ander,
-andra, -andria, -andrian, -andric, -andrism, -androus,
-andries, -andry
(Greek: man (men), male, masculine; also, stamen or anther as used for plants or in botany).

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andropara, androparous, andropary:
Giving birth only to or mostly male offspring.
andropathy, andropathia:
Any disease peculiar to males; such as, prostatitis.
Made double by having the stamens changed into petals.
Man-eating; also, anthropophagous.
androphile, androphile, androphilia, androphilic, androphily, androphilous:
1. Having a preference for males.
2. An individual having a preference for males, sometimes excessively, as in nymphomania; also, anthropophilic.
3. Sexual love of a man, by either a woman (female androphilia) or a man (male androphilia).
4. In biology, thriving in proximity to man and preferring such closeness; for example, certain mosquitoes that prefer humans as opposed to animals.
androphobia, androphobic:
A morbid fear of men, or of the male sex, resulting in avoidance of situations where men are present.
Homicidal insanity.
In botany, a name applied by some to the column formed by the united filaments in monadelphous plants, or a more or less columnar portion of the receptacle bearing several anthers.
A male-limited chromosome; literally, a male body.
A man-sphinx; a sphinx whose human portion is male.
1. The zoospore which in certain fucoid algae produces the male reproductive organs.
2. The female plant that produces peculiar swarm-spores out of which proceed very small male plants.
Combining the forms of man and bull, as with the Minotaur.
A male sex hormone.
Having the filaments of the stamens divided into two parts.
The dissection of male bodies. The dissection of human bodies is anthropotomy. Androtomy is used to refer to the dissection of man’s body to distinguish it from zootomy, which refers to the dissection of the bodies of other animals.
Type specimen of the male of a species.
Any substance capable of preventing full expression of the biological effects of androgenic hormones on responsive tissues, either by producing antagonistic effects on the target tissue, as estrogens do, or by merely inhibiting androgenic effects, such as by competing for binding sites at the cell surface.
apandrous, apandry, apandria:
1. Said of a male organ that has lost its function, particularly in plants.
2. Dislike of the male sex; especially by a woman.
clinandrium, androclinium:
In botany, a cavity in the apex of the column between the anther sac of certain orchids.
Characterized by ten stamens.
diandrous, diandry:
1. In botany, having two stamens.
2. In zoology, having two male mates.
dodecandrous, dodecander, dodecandrian:
In botany, having twelve stamens.
Having the male flowers mature before the female.
In botany, having nine stamens.
ergatandrous, ergatandry, ergantaner:
1. Pertaining to those ants in which the ergates [worker ants] appear to be males.
2. Having wingless males, said of certain ants.
ergatandromorph, ergatandromorphic:
In zoology, an abnormal male ant that resembles a worker in certain characteristics.
An older term for gynandromorph.
gynandria, gynandrism, gynandry:
1. Said to be an imprecise term for hermaphroditism.
2. An older term for female pseudohermaphroditism.
An individual exhibiting gynandrism; female pseudohermaphrodite.
gynandromorph, gynandromorphic, gynandromorphism, gynandromorphous:
1. Having both male and female characteristics.
2. An abnormal combination of male and female characteristics.
3. The presence of male and female sex chromosome complements in different tissues; sex chromosome mosaicism.
4. An individual having both male and female external genitalia and/or secondary sexual features.
Applied to those flowers and plants in which the stamens and pistil are united in one column, as in orchids; said also of the stamens.
Having eleven stamens.
heptander, heptandria, heptandrian, heptandrous:
In botany, having seven stamens.
In botany, having stamens or anthers of different forms or various sizes.
In botany, having six stamens.
Having only one kind of stamen.
In botany, having stamens equal in number to the parts of the perianth.
1. Having a large male, although the term should properly be megandrous.
2. In botany, having elongated male plants.
Having fewer testes than is normal.
Said of a plant in which the female flower is mature before the male.
micrander, micrandrous:
Pertaining to or connected with the dwarf males of fresh-water algae.
misandry, misandrous:
Hatred of men as a sexually defined group; especially by women.
monandrous, monandry:
1. A reference to a female who mates with a single male or the custom of having only one husband at a time.
2. In botany, belonging to a class of flower that has a single stamen.
nanandrous, nanander:
Producing dwarf males.
octandrous, octandrious:
In botany, having eight stamens.
In botany, having fewer than twenty stamens.
pentandrous, pentandrious, pentandrian:
In botany, having five free stamens.
philander, philanderer:
To flirt with and have casual sexual affairs with women, especially when married to another woman.
The condition of having ripe pollen before the stigma is receptive.
polyandrous, polyandry:
1. A reference to a female who mates with several males; having more than one husband or having several husbands.
2. Literally having many male sexual partners.
3. In botany, having numerous stamens.
protandrous, protandry, protandric:
The condition of a hermaphrodite in which the male portion develops first or which is first male, and later sex reversed to female.
2. Said of a flower in which the pollen matures before the stigma is receptive.
proterandrous, proterandry:
1. In botany, having the stamens or male organs mature before the pistil or female organ.
2. In zoology, a hermaphrodite animal; or a colony of zooids, having the male organs, or individuals, sexually mature before the female.
pseudandrous, pseudandry:
Use of a masculine name by a woman as a pseudonym.
A reference to the mind of a man or men.
Relating to the body of a man.
The condition of an organism in populations in which males are only very sparsely found.
A group of males living together.
A group of fused anthers.
Relating to any agent or condition that enhances the effects of androgens.
tetrandrous, tetrandrious, tetrandrin:
In botany, having four equal stamens.
theandrous, theandry, theandric:
1. Pertaining to both God and man; partaking of both man and the divine.
2. Relating to, or existing by, the union of the divine and man; whether in operation simply, or in nature; especially, as attributed to Christ.
Divine man; god-man.
triandrous, triandric:
In botany, having three stamens.
Androgophobia is a coined word meaning the excessive fear of insulting a
feminist and being labeled a male chauvinist.
—Psychology Today, March, 1984
Until Eve arrived, this was a man’s world.
The five animalistic stages of men are:
spring chicken
little lamb
young lion
fat cat
old goat

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